Year 11

Students wishing to apply for entry into the Wellington College Academy of Sport will need to be motivated athletes aspiring to become first team players while at Wellington College and/or regional representative players in their chosen sport(s). To gain entry into this course, students need to fill out the online application form. Students do not need to have been a part of the Academy of Sport in previous years to apply.

Course Outline 

This course will develop students both mentally and physically. The key areas of focus are: ​​​​​​​

Units of focus

  • Fitness testing and programme development 
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the function of the body as it relates to the performance of physical activity
  • Skill Analysis and development (aligned with the principles of biomechanics, functional anatomy and exercise physiology) 
  • Demonstrate quality movement in the performance of a physical activity
  • Demonstrate leadership and interpersonal skills in a group and explain how these skills impact on others
  • Demonstrate strategies to improve the performance of a physical activity and describe the outcomes
  • Complete and follow a gym based programme, with correct technique.