Whangarei Primary Schools Sports Association

Travel Fund

WPPA Travel fund

The WPSSA has been granted funds by the Whangarei Primary Principals Association to support school in attending WPSSA events.

Please use this fund as it is contingent on use, otherwise it will be stopped.

WPSSA events include Swimming Championships, Year 5&6  Winter Sports + Year 7&8

Winter Sports, Cross Country, and Athletics.

This may be expanded to Zone events in 2025.

WPSSA has applied for this funding and will use it for the purpose of removing travel costs as a barrier to children bparticipating

Travel funding must be used:

· For students to be involved in sporting opportunities for WPSSA

· Schools who use busses or need petrol vouchers for parents.

· Are paid up members of the WPSSA

· For Year 5-8 school students​​​​​​​

We are very grateful to the Whangarei Primary School Principals’ Association for their support.  

Funding applied for must be matched by the applicants 50/50.  Schools are required to fund 50% of the cost of travel to the chosen events.

If your school fits the brief of needing funding to help children engage in the above you can download this form to fill in.

Please remember

  • It must be related to a WPSSA event
  • It must be within the Whangarei region.
  • You must include a bus quote/invoice.
  • If it is a small group we pay a donation towards the trip.
  • If the trip/event is canceled, the money must be returned.
  • For large applications, a proportion of funding will be given.