Driving is done on the left hand side of the road. All vehicles are left hand drive and most automatic. Speed limits are imposed and maximum speeds are 100 km per hour. An international driver's license is not required if you are in NZ for a short term. The minimum driving age is 16 years old. You must have a credit card and a drivers licence to rent a car, and higher insurance charges may be required for those under 25 years old.

NZ sport has strict anti-drug and drinking laws. The drinking age is 18 years old and proof of age is required in all drinking establishments. Drinking and driving are strictly prohibited, so if you plan to drink, have a designated driver.

Most banks open at 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM with many shopping centre banks open longer. Bank machines are available in most towns and are open 24 hours. Check with your bank to ensure your bank card will work in NZ. Shopping centres are open until 6pm every day, many supermarkets until 10pm although times vary.

Most transportation is by air or car. NZ has notoriously winding roads and extra time should be allowed for safe travel.


Clothing to suit changeable spring weather, layers, warm and wet weather gear as Canterbury can vary from 5°C to 25°C.

Helmet, boots, stirrups and stirrup leathers. (Clean your gear well before you leave home as NZ has strict airport  border control.) Country flag, souvenirs.