Ardmore Pony Club is one of 4 branches of the Franklin District Pony Club. The other branches are: Bombay, Hunua, and Waiuku.
Ardmore PC belong to the Franklin Thames Valley area (FTV) which is one of 16 areas in NZ.
The Ardmore Branch of the Franklin District Pony Club was officially formed in September 1994.
FTV Code of Conduct
Click Here
FTV guide to managing breaches and misconduct
Click Here
Past Presidents:
Raewyn Renall 1994
Cheryl Wright 1994-1998
Pamela Day 1998-2002
Robyn Olliver 2002-2006
Robyn Newman 2006-2007
Shereen Dalton 2007-2009
Meredith Reid 2009-2010
Meredith Reid & Trish Porter 2010-2011
Trish Porter 2011-2012
Philippa Wheatcroft 2012-2015
Steve Bartlett 2016-2018
Jane Liggins 2018-2019
Sue Blyth 2019-2020
Tracey Williams 2020-2021 Michele Booth 2022-2023
Jane Liggins - current