Welcome to Auckland Indoor Bowls. If you would like to give indoor bowls a go, please contact us on our email address aibsecretary@hotmail.com 

Auckland Indoor Bowling Centre would like to welcome everyone to the 2025 Indoor Bowling season! We are so excited to get back on the mats! 

We have a busy season ahead with our first event being the Championship Triples on the 8th of March. to keep update to date with the Auckland Centre, please keep an eye on this website or our facebook page (Auckland Indoor Bowls). 

2024 we saw some amazing efforts from our centre! Nathan Trowell represented New Zealand. Paul Wright (Captain), Mesha White and Georgia Fisher represented the North Island team with Rodney Mills as reserve. Neil Gash, Georgia Fisher (Captain), Nikita Blair, Simon Poppleton, Mesha White and Rodney Mills represented the Northern Zone Academy team. Marilyn Baskiville, Daphne Paki, Stuart Liddell and Sue Liddell represent in the Northern Zone Masters team. We are so proud of all of you!


Upcoming event:

Sat 8th March Auckland Centre Championship Triples, 9:30am start, Western Hall. 

*All entries to match committee aibentries@gmail.com by 12pm Friday prior to the event*​​​​​​​

2025 Centre executive members:

Patron: Jo Wells

President: Rodney Mills

Vice-President: Colin Robertson

Secretary: Georgia Fisher

Treasurer: Dan Lowe

Past-President: Simon Poppleton

Executive Members:

Glenis McFarlane

Lynnette Cotes

Stuart Liddell

Bruce Vincer

Tracey Brayshaw

John Kidd

Association Representatives:

Rodney Mills (Manukau City)

John Kidd (North Western)

 Colin Robertson (Western) ​​​​​​​


Simon Poppleton (Convenor)

Rodney Mills

Paul Psaila