Upcoming event:
Sat 8th March Auckland Centre Championship Triples, 9:30am start, Western Hall.
*All entries to match committee aibentries@gmail.com by 12pm Friday prior to the event*
2025 Centre executive members:
Patron: Jo Wells
President: Rodney Mills
Vice-President: Colin Robertson
Secretary: Georgia Fisher
Treasurer: Dan Lowe
Past-President: Simon Poppleton
Executive Members:
Glenis McFarlane
Lynnette Cotes
Stuart Liddell
Bruce Vincer
Tracey Brayshaw
John Kidd
Association Representatives:
Rodney Mills (Manukau City)
John Kidd (North Western)
Colin Robertson (Western)
Simon Poppleton (Convenor)
Rodney Mills
Paul Psaila