Manukau City Indoor Bowling Association
2025 Committee
Patron: Mary Wakefield
President: Roy Ayris
Past President
Vice President: Stan Renwick
Secretary: Marilyn Baskiville, Email:
Minute Secretary: Sue Redfern
Treasurer: Diane McCormack
Match Convenor: Committee
Stefan Brzozowski 027 486 7823 Jeanne Carey 027 454 3329
Bev Glass 09 267 2026 June McCormack 09 267 9607
Bruce Magee 021 283 3472 Coral Patten 09 278 9978
San Reddy 027 451 3345 Christine Reddy 027 522 6298
Anne Shore 09 266 6245 Rodney Mills 027 355 1554
Selectors: Roy Ayris,
Hall Convenor: Margaret Ayris
AIBC Delegates: Rodney Mills
Manukau Associated Clubs:
Holy Cross, Tuesday nights 7.30pm
Howick, Botany Road,. Mondays 7.30 pm
Mangere Bridge Plunket. Memorial Hall, Domain Rd Mangere Wednesdays nights
Mangere Central, Kirkbride Rd, Mangere Central, Thursday evenings.
Pakuranga, Pakuranga Rd, next to KFC, Thursday 7.30 pm
St. Annes, Russell Rd, Manurewa, Wednesdays from 7.00pm
Cosmopolitan Clubs:
Manurewa, Alfriston Rd, Manurewa.Wednesday nights
Papatoetoe, Rangitoto Rd, Papatoetoe. Wednesday nights from 7.30pm.
Howick, Botany Rd. Wednesday 7.30 p.m
Presidents Report 2024
Once again another bowls season finished. It's quite true the older you get the quicker time goes! Another report to write, would you really notice if I just changed the date on last year's model?
In March we once again held a special Memorial Tournament. This was quite successful but numbers were down on last year and the committee decided not to continue with this event in 2025.
Championship events were all held at Manurewa Cossie Club and overall were well attended. Thanks go to Kathy Claney for dealing with the entries and doing the draw, Coral Patten for the raffles and Margaret Ayris and Margaret Millward for hall controlling.
Manukau hosted two Rep games and participated in a further two, these went well even though our top award was a Bronze medal.
A special thanks to all our sponsors for their continued support, they are , Summerset By The Park , Acacia Cove, Bupa , Susan and Brett Dyson , Minishifts .lf you have use of any of their services mention that you are a bowler , They love feedback from their support.
This year we were offered the use of the lounge of Summerset by the Park at Flatbush who are one of our sponsors, for our Prize Giving evening. It was a great facilityy beautifully set up for us and they also in their kindness provided a lovely supper and some drinks during the evening. A special thanks to Marguerite Belcher (Sales Manager) for making this possible, we are greatly appreciative.
It was good to see some new faces picking up prizes on the night, plus of course some very familiar names. Special mention to Jonathan Brzozowski, winner of the Junior Aggregate Award as well as Junior Singles for Manukau and Auckland. This entitled Jonathan to go in to the NZ Junior Champs where he finished a very creditable Runner Up, well done.
An Executive decision was made fairly late to separate the ACM from the Prize giving. The reasoning behind this was it was felt there was too much to discussabout the future of MCIBA to try and rush it through before the Prize Giving, and also in consideration of invited guests who don't need to be involved in the general business of the Association.
Having indicated that I this was to be my last year as President and as no one has come forward to take this place, some changes are being considered to see if it is viable for MCIBA to continue, or do we go into recess and become part of Auckland.
A suggestion has been put forward and will be presented as a remit at this meeting.
Finally big thanks to all of the Committee for their dedication over the year. Diane McCormack for her wonderful book keeping expertise, Reit Van Der Gulik for her skills as auditor. Marilyn Baskiville as Secretary, and Margaret Ayris, not a bowler but a great help in getting things done.
Roy Ayris