Our Association began in 1957 when Indoor Bowling Clubs in the area decided to form an Association and become part of the Auckland Centre and New Zealand Federation. There were over 30 clubs involved, covering the area from Mangere Bridge and Westfield in the North, to Manurewa in the South. That first year, 25 clubs (1158 members) affiliated - paying a joining fee of 2/6d and 1d a player. In 1968 this peaked at 48 clubs and over 2000 members with the Joining fee 75c, Affiliation - Association 3c, Centre 5c, Federation 11c. Today we have 19 Clubs - 250 members and the Affiliation fees are Association $3.00, Centre $4.50, Federation $8.50. During the next 50 years Clubs would come and go but of the original Clubs that joined, Alfriston, Mangere Bridge Plunket, Papatoetoe RSA, St Johns and St Lukes are still members.
The First Executive was President Jos Lyes, VP Walter Arnold, Secretary/Treasurer Runa Anderson, Committee Wes Wyman, Alf Hookway, Ian Anderson, Jeff Fletcher, G. Martin and Ken Joblin. A draft Constitution was drawn up and sent to the New Zealand Indoor Bowls Federation for approval.This was revised in 1990 and updated in 2002. That year the first Championships were Fours, Pairs, Singles and Husband/Wife Pairs. Championship entry fees were 5/- with 1st prize being £2.00. 1958 saw the introduction of Champ of Champ Singles and Mixed Fours. The Triples followed in 1972 and the Mixed Pairs in 1976. In 1962 the Association badge was registered with the Auckland Centre. A new design and a blue/white ribbon introduced in 1973. Throughout the history of the Association different committees explored the possibility of having a permanent base to play Indoor Bowls, money was raised through Tournaments, Debentures, Donations and Grants but in the end the Manurewa Recreation Centre became the home of our Association. The money raised was used to purchase Mats and Bowls a storage cupboard and trolleys were built and Jim Wakefield constructed and donated an Honours board that was attached to the Manurewa Recreation Centre wall. Boundary changes were another issue that arose during the years of the Association. Discussions took place as to whether South Auckland should join Manukau Association (now Roskill and Districts Centre) or Franklin Association (now Counties centre.) This was rejected. Boundries were changed in the South to include Takanini and Alfristion Clubs. Later, with the disbanding of the Eastern and Central Associations, we welcomed Ellerslie, Pakuranga, Howick, Howick RSA, Howick Club and Onehunga WMC to our Association. 1982 saw South Auckland celebrating its 25th Jubilee with a Bowls Tournament and a dinner at the Waipuna Lodge.
Margaret Murphy was Patron, Harold Brewer President, Jim Wakefield, Secretary and Garth Pussell Treasurer. With Manukau Association withdrawing from the Auckland Centre and becoming Roskill and Districts Centre, it was decided in 1992 that South Auckland Association would change its name and become Manukau City Association. It was considered that this name change would more closely reflect our catchment area, and attract sponsorship. During our 50 years, 86 Indoor Bowling Clubs have affiliated to our Association at one time or another. Some have lasted only one year – others a lot longer. A diverse range of people have become members, administrators, winners and social players. These people have made our Association and this year we celebrate their contribution.