Senior Finals - Friday 21 February, Junior Finals - Wednesday 5 March



Our Pohutukawa Coast Touch module has grown into one of the largest modules in New Zealand, with both a social and competitive aspect.​​​​​​​

Our module is played on a Wednesday night at Te Puru Sports Ground between Beachlands and Maraetai. A family friendly environment and a socially enjoyable occasion where our community can connect. As local population growth continues our module numbers continue to grow.

To align with this growth we are always striving to look at ways to improve and grow to ensure it is a great experience for both competitive and social touch players of all ages.


PCT is affiliated with Touch New Zealand (TNZ) and Counties Manukau Touch Association (CMTA). All PCT registered players are eligible for selection for CMTA representative teams. CMTA trials will be held in October and November. For more info: (Counties Manukau Touch).


The Pohutukawa Coast Touch module is made up of individual teams and Elementz, Galaxy and Mako teams. For more information visit their respective websites.


Our officials tent is located on the field. Here you can find the draw, notices and Referees check in sheet.

  • Games are two 14 min halves. With a 1 minute changeover. One blast from the sound system for the start and finish, referees whistle sounds the start and stop of play.

  • Under 6, Under 8 & Under 10 teams play on half fields.

  • There will be 1 competition ball per field, these are to be left in the centre of the field at the completion of each game – last game of the night, referee to hand ball and field cones into registration desk.

  • PARKING – No parking in front of the Te Puru complex. Extra parking is available at Kelly’s Creek — Omana.

  • As per Council Regulations—no dogs are permitted on the fields.

5.15pm – U6 Mixed, U8 Mixed, U10 Girls
5.50pm – U10 Boys, U12 Girls, U14 Boys, U14 Girls
6.25pm – U12 Boys, U16 Mixed, Senior D Mixed
7.00pm – Senior A, B and C
​​​​​​​7.35pm – Mens, Women