Effective 1 August 2011 Recommendation That: there be a two year moratorium on rule changes once the rule book is reprinted. Except that, new bits or items of saddlery that are permitted for dressage by the FEI during that period be approved by DNZ, and become effective from 1 August annually and will be notified on the website and the Bulletin. Article 441 Number, List & Placing of Judges That: List 1 and 2 Judges BE PERMITTED to judge alone at levels 6/7 and 8/9 at Local Events, when it is not possible to obtain a second judge Level Training Events Non Graded Classes at LE Graded Classes at LE Non Judge Level 0 & Level 1 alone Level 0 & Level 1 alone NA Retire d Judge Any Level alone up to & incl level previously qualified Any Level alone up to & incl level previously qualified NA List 5 Levels 1 & 2 alone Levels 1 & 2 alone Levels 1 and 2 accompanied by another judge, preferably List 4 or above. List 4 Levels 1, 2 & 3 alone Levels 1, 2 & 3 alone Levels 1 and 2 alone. Levels 3 and 4 accompanied by a List 3 or above List 3 All Levels up to Level 5 alone All Levels up to Level 5 alone All levels up to and including Level 5 alone. Level 6 accompanied by a List 2 or above. List 2 All levels alone All levels alone All levels up to and including Level 5 alone. Level 6 accompanied by judge from List 3 or above. Levels 7, 8 & 9 accompanied by a judge from List 2 or above List 2A All levels alone All levels alone All levels up to and including Level 9 alone. List 1 All levels alone All levels alone All levels up to and including Level 9 alone. It is recommended that there be a minimum of two judges on all competitions where possible, but one judge is permitted as defined in the table above Article 449.2 New para 2.1 In all tests at Levels 6, 7 ,8 & 9, all half marks from 0.5 - 9.5 may also be used for both movements and collective marks, at the discretion of the judge Art 474 Article 474 - Prohibited Schooling 2. This means for instance, that a groom mounted in the saddle may walk the horse on a long rein and that lunging by someone other than the competitor are permitted. 4. At multi-discipline events another rider may compete a horse or pony in another discipline. NOTE This must not be used as an opportunity for prohibited schooling under penalty of elimination Art 480.1 Dress Graded Competitions Boots At Training (TE) & Local Events (LE) boots & gaiters may be worn up to and including Level 9 At Regional (RE) and National Events (NCH) Boots & Gaiters may be worn up to and including Level 5 Gaiters At Training (TE) & Local Events (LE) gaiters ay be worn up to and including Level 9 At Regional (RE) and National Events (NCH) May be worn up to and including Level 5 See also 480.2 re gaiter specifications Note: Para 4 of the Schedule of Safety Equipment which refers to Horse ID Numbers now becomes Art 478.14 ART 478.15 Stallion Sashes / Armbands Stallions. The Person Responsible, riders and handlers of stallions are required to comply with ART 147 of the ESNZ General Regulations. Under art 1477 of the GRs, ESNZ Dressage requires the rider and handler of a stallion to wear approved stallion armbands (one on each arm) or a stallion sash (see note below) at events run under ESNZ rules for Dressage, at all times when the stallion is not confined in a suitable stable/yard/truck/float. The rider may however, for the competition, choose to remove the armbands at the completion of the final warm up, just before entering the area around the competition arena where they come under the jurisdiction of the ground jury. Notes: 1. Stallion sashes will be phased out and replaced by armbands, but sashes are still permitted to be used by riders/handlers who have already purchased them if they choose to do so. Sashes must be worn diagonally across the body . 2. The Specifications for Stallion Armbands will be made available when the prototype is fully tested and will then be available for purchase. Purchase details TBA. Art 473 .6 Arena Familiarisation All arena familiarisation is under the jurisdiction and control of the OC and should be advertised in the schedule prior to the event. Arena familiarisation is defined as permission to work around the outside of the competition arena. Art 473.1 does not allow a competitor/horse to work inside the competition arena except during their performance in a competition, unless the OC has stated this is allowed under Art 473.2 Art 473.7 Training & Working In Areas OCs should, when possible include the area around the outside of the competition arenas in the permitted training and working in areas to facilitate familiarisation of the arena surrounds, prior to the commencement of the first scheduled competition at the event. REMIT 9.13 ART 463 ELIGIBILITY OF RIDERS (Refer also ESNZ GR Article 124) 463.3: Competitors..........same calendar year. Competitors turning 16 on or after 1 August may continue to take part in competitions and championships for pony riders up to and including 31 July in the next calendar year Note: This rule change also requires ESNZ approval Soo Wells Technical Officer Dressage .