We take the approach that opportunities for learning and achievement increase when: 

• the school environment is positive and supportive 

• expectations are consistent and clear 

• students are taught expected behaviour 

• students are consistently acknowledged for expected behaviour 

• students are responded to respectfully, equitably and fairly. 

By building and maintaining positive, respectful relationships within a school, staff to staff, staff to student and student to student, issues are more easily managed. Our guide is: Foul up? Then ‘Fess up, Let’s find ways to fix up the harm …..

At HNI we use a relational approach to school life grounded in beliefs about equality, dignity, mana and the potential of all people. It brings victims, and their supporters together to address the wrongdoing. Instead of punishment, students are encouraged to reflect and take responsibility for their actions and come up with a plan to repair the harm. It’s not about changing the students; it’s about changing the environment, systems and practices we have in place to support them to make positive behaviour choices. Some of the ways that this is demonstrated at HNI are: 

• Our classroom behaviour management plans. 

• The use of restorative practices acknowledgment of student successes. 

• Applying a problem-solving approach to examine underlying causes for behaviour. 

• Close involvement with whanau to solve problems. 

• Interaction with support agencies outside the school. 

• The collection and analysis of data to identify trends and to track progress over time. 

Each class has their own classroom management plan to guide school expectations in their own contexts.