AIMS - Ngā Tūmanako/Wawata/Whāinga
To promote healthy lifestyle activities amongst youth.
To foster group and team participation amongst youth.
To encourage sport and leisure activities amongst youth.
To encourage Fairplay amongst all participating teams and supporters.
To promote and foster the game of Touch through the Primary and Intermediate Schools and Clubs within the Palmerston North and Manawatu regions.
To provide each school / club team with the right equipment and resources to foster the game.
To provide ongoing support and training to all players and coaches to further their participation within Touch.
Ki te hāpai nei I te Oranga Tinana, te Oranga Wairua, te Oranga Hinengaro me te Oranga Whānau mö ngā tamariki mokopuna.
OBJECTIVES - Ngā Whāinga
To promote the FAIRPLAY message to youth through sport.
To foster the future success of the game of Touch.
To foster the future ranks of the Manawatu Touch Association.
To encourage family involvement and participation in the HWC JYT Module.
To encourage the future involvement by youth in Touch within the Manawatu.
To be innovative in our ideas within the promotion of Touch and healthy lifestyle choices.
To achieve the status of being the best youth Touch module within the Manawatu and New Zealand.
Fairplay is promoted in this Module amongst players, coaching staff, referees and spectators and module management. We do not condone any form of abusive behaviour.