Nelson Hinemoa Croquet Club                      


NHCC New Phone Contact: Mobile No. 0220972822

(Landline 5483977 still available) 

Lawns:  Open 

Croquet at NHCC is played all year. Lawns are generally available to club members at all times, outside the organised Club Day play. (see Club Days), and tournamant play. When Regional or National tournaments are taking place play will be restricted to competitors, however access to Richmond or Riwaka croquet grounds may be possible.   There will be times when due to lawn conditions or maintenance work, the lawns are closed for all play. 


Check the web site notices for information or phone the Club Captains or tournament manager ( Annie Henry ph 022 397 9303) at the Club pavilion. It is possible some lawns could become available during these times but permission is always required from the Manager of the Tournament

GC Silver Badge Championships Friday - Sat 12th April

For Sale

​​​​​​​Sue Bowater has a number of copies of her book, “My Croquet Journey” still available. This is a charming account of her time playing croquet in Nelson and the historic development of the two croquet clubs, Nelson Croquet and the Hinemoa Club and how they eventually combined to be the club we are today. The price is $5.00, surely a bargain. See Sue if you wish to purchase one of very few copies still available.

Cleaning Roster:

All members who are able, are asked to be part of the Club's Cleaning Roster. Approximately twice a year you will be in a group of three who will be responsible for a weekly general clean of the Club Rooms. The weekly roster will be on the notice board. Full instructions of what is important to check, and if necessary to attend to, is in the Cleaning Folder situated near the kitchen back-door. Here you will also find the note book to sign after completing the clean.

It is the responsibility of the three on duty to co-ordinate with each other and arrange times to suit. Phone numbers of all members are on the phone list on the wall  at the end of the kitchen counter. If you are unavailable, it will be your responsibility to notify the others and if possible, arrange with another member to take your place, or swap weeks.  If you are uncertain of what is required, please do not hesitate to ask others on duty that week.

The cleaning work starts on the Monday through to the Sunday, so best, if possible, to do the basic clean early in the week with a quick check later that week. If you have been unable to complete the basic clean until late in your week it would be appreciated if you  notify those on duty the following week, so the work is evenly spread.  If you have any concerns Kay Hill is the committee member responsible for the roster. ( ph.021 851 198).

Thank you for your contribution, you are keeping our Club a pleasant, sharing (and clean and healthy) place to want to be part of.

Important Note:

Our AGM will be held on Sat am May 11th

Looking at the year ahead it will only be a short time before our AGM will be held. Never too soon to remind all members that this is the time when you can think about how you can help, maybe step up and put your name forward for a position on the committee or one of the elected positions; President, Vice President, Captain, Vice-Captain, Treasurer, or Secretary. It is too early to know who on the existing committee will be re-standing but suffice to say, all positions are contestable.

However, we definitely do know that the position of Club Captain and Club Vice Captain will need to be filled. After many years Alan and Marion will be retiring from their positions. For most it will be hard to remember anyone else in these rolls, so it is a huge thankyou to you both for all your efforts over the years.


​​​​​​​Advantage GC will be adopted as the official GC handicap play format from the 2024-2025 season onwards.( ref WCF Rules of GC Edition 6, Rule 21). Described as an exciting development, more aligned to the standard rules of GC with the potential to enhance the tactical skills and appreciation of the game for players across all grades. 

Next NHCC Committee meeting is 

Next Croquet Nelson Committee meeting is: AGM Sat. 18th May @10am Richmond Club rooms

