Apply for membership
- help notes

There are six sections in the application form:-

Registrant Details - enter your personal information here by clicking on each field (First Name for example) and typing in your details.  You can use the Tab key to move to the next field too!  The Date of birth field needs to be in the format day/month/year so if you were born on the 5th February 1965 you would enter 05/02/1965.  Alternatively you can click on the little calendar widget to the right of the field and select year, month and day from there.

Details of your Goldwing - enter the details of your Goldwing by clicking on each field label (Registration number for example) and type in the information.  The date purchased does NOT have to be exact.  The month and year will be fine.  The field Any other Goldwings can be used to tell us if you own other Goldwing(s) and include the reg and year please..

Partner details - use this section if you are applying for joint membership.  Click on a field and enter the details.  If you are applying for single membership leave this section blank.

Hospitality - this section can be used to indicate your preferences regarding hospitality and assistance to other members.

Please select - ensure the quantity is set to 1 in this section.  Single and joint membership is the same cost.

Privacy Statement - please read this through and click the checkbox Accept Terms and Conditions.  Finally click on Submit.

Clicking on Submit will take you directly to the POLi payment section.  Have your bank details to hand.


Membership Fee is $NZ25.00 for single or joint membership.