Ohoka CC Premier and Senior 2024/25 Information

Welcome to the Ohoka CC Premier and Senior Team information page. 

If you are interested in playing for the Ohoka Premier or Senior Team and wish to find more information please contact Richard Belcher phone 020 4128 7286 or email ohokacricketclub@gmail.com

Pre-season Practices

Every Sunday afternoon 4-6pm starting from the 4th of August until late September

Season start date : 5th October 2024​​​​

Premier and Senior Training Schedule. 2024/25 Season

Where: Mainpower Indoor Centre, Canterbury Country Cricket Assn, Rangiora 

Please note if you wish to become a member at Ohoka CC and have been a member at another club prior, you will need to complete a CCCA Player Transfer Form. For further information or enquiries contact: email ohokacricketclub@gmail.com