The Lifetime Achievement Awards were presented at The World Budo Kan Association banquet held on Nov 5th.

The two people recognized are Walt (Zenshu) Dailey Hanshi 10th DanShorinji-Ryu Zenshu-Ha Karate-Do and Garry O'Connor Hanshi 10th Dan - Takahashi ha no Ryu Kyu Shuri Te. Both men have devoted their lives to the preservation of Martial Arts and through their efforts many have benefited and enhanced their lives through the study of Budo in its different forms.

We thank them deeply and give them the deserved recognition and our gratitude for their lifelong love and devotion to Budo. Walter Dailey Sensei was not present at the presentation so the award was accepted by Angel Lemus Sensei who will ship it to Dailey Sensei upon his return to the United States.

Our guest of honour for the presentation was The Deputy Consul General for Japan / Australia affairs Takeshi Tanabe, who flew over from Melbourne to be present at the Lifetime Achievement Awards.

Yours Sincerely

Chris Kazuo Hoshiyama Hanshi 10th Dan.

The Okinawan Kojo-Ryu / Shorin-Ryu Koshinkan Kyokai, Hoshiyama Ju Jitsu.