Riley Kupa
Ko Kuaheihei te maunga
Ko Roto a Tara te wai
Ko Te Whatuiapiti te tangata
Ko Otane te kura
Tihei mauri ora.
Tena Koutou Katoa, my name is Riley Kupa. I am proud of the long association (5 generations) my family has had with the Otane School and am very humbled and privileged to act as the Chairperson on the Board of Trustees. I see it not only as an opportunity to give back to a school that provided me and my wider family with so much, but also a chance to grow and foster the future generations within our tightknit community.
My wife and I are both from Central Hawkes Bay and are pleased to be back in the area after spending 10 years living in Auckland. The time away really made us appreciate what home has to offer and once our children were born, we decided that the wide-open spaces of CHB is where we wanted our kids to be raised.
I practised as a Lawyer in Auckland (criminal prosecutor) and worked for the Crown office in Manukau and then for the New Zealand Police. My current role is based in Waipawa as a solicitor for Gifford Devine Lawyers.
Providing good, well rounded educational experiences for our tamariki in a whanau environment is paramount to us all at Otane School, and this philosophy drives the decision-making processes of the board, school and the wider school community. I look forward to carrying on the great work of others before me and building on the amazing potential the school has to develop our tamariki.
Nga Mihi
Joanna Davis
Having lived in CHB for 5 years now, I well and truly feel like part of this thriving community. I love the Hawkes Bay lifestyle and weather and feel very lucky. I elected myself to join the B.O.T because i would like to advocate for the children the need to continue upgrading the schools resources amongst other things. This is what is important to our family and I can imaging to all Whānau at the school.
Blanche Paewai-Ashcroft:
I am the newest member to the board of trustees, I currently have one child attending Otane Kura and one starting next year! I joined the board because I wanted to contribute to the development of our kura and support those already doing a massive job.
Robert Fox
I am a father to 4 lound and busy boys. I rnjoy dicing and spending time at the beach, playing the guitar, working on our lifestyle block, rugby/league and watching the kids play sports.
Nicole Shimmin
Kia ora te whānau me te whānau whānui hoki,
My name is Whaea Nicole. I have just started my primary teaching career after teaching in Early Childcare centre's for the last 10 years. I live in Otane with my hubby, two children (Fin is at Otane school),grandparents and dogs,cats and chickens. We love this amazing community and how safe and nurturing it is.
I am in my 1st term at Otane School, I am learning loads. I love all that this school has to offer, especially our amazing children and the values we uphold and the pride for our community.