Term 1: 30th Jan-06 April 2023
Welcome to a very exciting new year! Please put these dates in your diary.
30th Jan: First day of school
6th Feb: Waitangi Day
9th Feb: Whanau meet and greet evening
27th Feb: Whanau Whanui hui at 6pm
2nd Mar: Yr7 & 8 Immunisations
6 - 10th Mar: Water Skills week
14th March: Junior water fun day
15th March: Otane school swimming sports
17 March: Unveiling of painting done at Food Scapes
22nd March: Titoki & Rimu trip to Waipawa Four Square
24th March: Yr7 & 8 Technology (full day)
29th March: Matua Che in for road patrol practice
Yr7 & 8 Technology (full day)
2nd Apr: Daylight Saving finishes
4th Apr: Last day for book club orders, Issue 2
6th Apr: Black and White mufti day
6th Apr: Last day of Term One
7th Apr: Good Friday
9th Apr: Easter Sunday
10th Apr: Easter Monday
Term 2: 24th April - 30th June 2023
24th April: Teacher Only day - School closed
25th Apr: ANZAC Day - School closed
26th Apr: Lance from CHBC visit to Rimu
27th Apr: Yr7 & 8 Technology (half day)
1st May: Asthma nurse in school to do check-up's
4th May: Yr7 & 8 Technology (half day)
Last day for netball player registrations
6th May: Netball grading day for Yr5-8's
9th May: Yr8 open day at CHBC
11th May: Mitre 10 tough kids challenge
19th May: Pink Shirt day
25th May: Yr7 & 8 Technology (half day)
26th May: Yr7 &8 Technology (full day)
5th June: King's birthday observed
16th June: Otane school x - country and amazing race day
22nd June: CHB x - country in Flemmington
30th June: Last day of Term 2
Term 3: 17th July - 22nd September 2023
14th July: Matariki
17th July : First day of Term Three
22nd Sep: Last day of Term Three
Term 4: 9th Oct - 13th Dec 2023
9th Oct: First day of Term 4
20th Oct: Hawkes Bay Anniversary
23rd Oct: Labour Day
13th Dec: Last day of the year