Growing great leaders is every schools' goal. We understand that in order to have great kids, they need great rolemodels. Our student leadership team set the tone for our school. By using their KAPAI values they role model to others KINDNESS, great ATTITUDES, PARTICIPATION, ACHIEVEMENT and IDENTITY. In order to be a leader you have to put your neck out there and take a risk. You have to be prepared incase of failure and how to resolve the issues.
We offer opportunities for our tamariki to take risks and lead daily: Leading Karakia, road patrol, fruit and milk monitors, P.E Gear monitors, PALs, supporting students and teachers in class, recycling, tuakana/teina. They understand that contributing to the running of the school has an impact, setting the behavioural tone in the school has an impact, modelling the right thing to do has an impact. They understand that their contribution makes our school a great place to be and we appreciate them for it.
Our leaders are not just monitors, they are students who are trusted and relied upon to get things done.
This sets them up to be orchestrators of their own education, problem solvers/solution focused critical thinkers. I am looking forward to watching them grow and how they utilise these skills when they get to College.