Membership 2025
In 2024 we were disappointed not to field a senior rugby team and through a number of factors only had one junior rugby team to support.
We are working hard to make 2025 a year to remember with the firm expectation that we will have a senior rugby team on the field and multiple junior teams to support and grow the game in Tairua. This will be another busy year ahead with exciting functions and innovations to grow our support base and re-charge our community sporting teams.
The focus of the Club this year will be to field the senior team along with the continued support of our vibrant cricket, junior rugby, junior football and our popular and growing netball section.
Aside from rugby, the Club is working hard in promoting all sports in our town. We have some issues with the condition of Cory Park Domain which is hopefully is on the improvement following some much needed maintenence. The condition of the field has a major impact on the number and types of sporting activities we can schedule.
Our Friday night sports has been somewhat curtailed through issues with the field and lack of support. We are committed to continue with these promotions this year including increased utilisation of the tennis court enclosure in looking to promote other exciting sports like netball, hockey and perhaps futsall. We already have hockey surrounds, and through generous donation a good supply of hockey gear. We have also recently added some mobile lighting solutions to ensure some evening practice and game time will be achievable.
The Club continues to work hard to maintain our existing facilities and considerable effort and expense has been incurred lately refreshing the club rooms and the addition of a great new deck area. The new umbrellas makes the deck area both a great sports viewing arena and also a comfortable area to relax and socialise. Our electronic scoreboard has been a great addition to our amenities.
We continue to invest in new uniforms for all our sporting teams as we appreciate looking good is a big part of a success oriented club and we intend to build on that in all means possible.
We encourage all our supporters to become a member of the Club to enable participation in all the above sports and allow us to continue to provide both sporting and recreation facilities for all members of our community.
Safe to say that without members, clubs just cease to exist. Members help create the future, we hope that you can continue to support us.
We have created a great clubhouse and amenities, with a committed group of volunteers working hard to making it a hub for people to continue to meet regularly and socialize. In addition to our serious/social sporting events
We have two levels of full voting membership, which we hope you will find compelling and sign up – a 100 and 500 club.
Latest update:- all our Jersey Promotion offering has already been spoken for! Awesome news and sincere thanks to those who have supported the Club by taking up this option.
500 club benefits:
In addition we have an Social Sports Member / Fitness Class option (non voting) which allows members to participate in our organised social sporting events, join the classes of our fitness and well being experts, operating in conjunction with the Club, and of course access to the Club House for regular social gatherings.
We look forward to your membership renewal and welcome all new members with thanks!
Tairua Rugby & Sports Club Inc
Cory Park Domain
P O Box 92 Tairua, 3544, New Zealand