The names listed represents club membership since 1970. WRC apologises for any errors or omissions. If you think you should be included or if your information is incorrect please contact Steve Donaldson with details.

Graham & Trish Adams, Grant Adams, Mathew Adams, Micheal Adams, P Adams, T Adams, Jane  Adlam, Megan Agnew, John Alexander, J Allen, M Allen, Ken & Joanne Anderson, Linda Anderson, Lloyd Anderson, R Anderson, A Andrews, Grace  Andrews, Libby  Andrews, Anna Archie, James  Ashley, Chris Ashwell, Darren  Asken, Clare  Askew, Laurie Asquith, Laurie Bailey, Russell  Bailey, Phillip Balcombe, Jack Ballam, Ashley Banks, Roger Banks, Wayne Barnett, Gina  Barton, Gary Baxter, K Baynon, Jem Belcher, Ben  Bell, Pete  Benny, Vernon Benseman, A Bentley, Sarah Berry, Jason Berryman, Steve Bezar, Karen Bignell (Hartshorne), Andrew & Julia Bishell, Kathleen  Blackburn, B Boddington, Boes, C Boniface, Dane Boswell, Bill Botham, Katie Bothwell, Ralph Bourke, Brian Boyce, Rob Boyce, Tony Boyce, Brian  Boyd ,Andrew Bright, Lloyd Bright, Lyall Bright, Tamara  Bright, Greg Brimble, Ernie & Flo Brook, Tony Brook, A Brooks, Jac  Brown, Nicky  Brownlee, Garry Burdon, Phillipa & Brendon Burns, Hannah  Burns, Rachel  Burns, Brendon Burrow, Shane Burrow, Sarah  Burrows, Hamish  Burson, Sophie Bush, R Bythell, E Cairns, Mark Caldwell, C Cameron, Gavin Campbell, Elton Cane, Jorden Carmody, Tony Carmody, Tracey Carmody, Trish Carmody, Grant  Carroll, Marie Carsson, Craig Carter, Barry Chandler, John Cheesman, Anna Claesson, F Clark, Rita Clark, Jo Clement, Nicola Clement, Kerry  Clement, Ivon Clemett, Malcolm Clemett, Barbara Clunies-ross (Pine), Hamish  Cochrane, Barry Coffey, Gerard Coffey, Travis Coffey, Sarah  Coffing, Louise Collins, John Cook, Ranae Cook, Tristine Cooke, Dick Cooney, Olivia Cooper, Sandra Cooper, Richard Coory, M Costello, Steve Cottle, Alister  Coulhart, Joe Cowan, Simon Cowan, Lindsay Cowie, Cherie  Crafar, Anne Crafar (Ball), Robert Craig, Cresswell, Emma Crosswell, R Crothers, Rhyanna Culley, Greg Currie, Gretchen Dalzell, Gabrielle David, Ollie  Davidson, Robert Davidson, Glynn Davies, Maddi Davies, Bruce Davis, J Davis, Graham De boo, Ian De boo, Talia De boo, Olivia Dekkar, Tom Dickie, Jessica Dillon, Carlos Docherty, Eamon Doherty, Garth Domigan, Braeden Donaldson, Jessica Donaldson, Steve Donaldson, Peter Dorsey, Matt Dowling, Graham Draper, Karen Draper, L Draper,
Pania Duke, Miles Duncan, Ben Dunsheath, D Dwight, Brian Dwyer, Gerald Dwyer