Westhaven Radio Sailing Club
While under probation the member is unable to serve on any Committee Sub-Committee or vote at an AGM or SGM.
AFFILIATIONS: A pathway to World Sailing
FINANCIAL YEAR: 1st July to the 30th June each year
BANKING: Account held at a major trading bank
COMMITTEE: To be made up of six full financial members at Last AGM, including the following flag officers which cannot be combined. Commodore, Treasurer, Secretary
MEETINGS: An AGM must be held each year before the end of July to discuss previous year’s activities and for the election of new flag officers and committee. Fourteen days prior notice must be given to all financial members by the Commodore stating date, time and venue.
A SGM may be called. Fourteen days prior notice must be given to all financial members by the Commodore stating date, time and venue and agenda.
The Commodore shall call committee meetings when required. It is recommended that a meeting is called by the Commodore every four months.
MEMBERSHIP: The cLub offers two memberships, a Full Membership and an Associate Membership. An associate membership is offered to those who Live outside of the AuckLand boundary.
SUBSCRIPTION: Annual subscription shall be recommended by the treasurer and set at the AGM. From January 1st the membership fee will reduce by an amount of $5 per month for the remainder of the club year
EXPULSION AND SUSPENSION: ALL members and visitors are required to adhere to WRS Code of Conduct which can be found on the club website. A member or visitor failing to behave under this Code of Conduct may be suspended or expelled from the club for no Less than 14 days, if voted by 75 percent of the attending committee at a meeting to take place within 14 days of a complaint to the Commodore. The Member may be suspended by a flag officer from the club untiL a meeting has been held.
CHANGES TO THESE RULES: These rules may onLy be changed at a SGM meeting if more than 75 percent of the attendees approve the changes. The changes must be announced to the membership 14 days prior to the meeting.