Introduced in 2014 the focus for this age group is on exploring Netball, and developing fundamental movements and ball skills. With a more balls, more goals, more fun approach! The programme will include skill development led by our Junior Netball Coordinators, Coaches & Star Helpers. 

Why have the rules, game and equipment been modified?

Sport for young people ought to be modified to suit their age, size and ability as children are not mini adults. Netball has been modified since the 1900’s and as we learn more from reviews, research and other sports, further adaptions have been made to ensure the game meets the needs of the players and grows as the players grow.

Woolworths futureFERNS aims to provide the players a fun and safe environment, maximise opportunities to participate. The programme encourages the development their skills and provides a progressive introduction to Netball, developing a lifelong love of the game.

How do I get my child involved?

If you want to register your child to play Netball this season, click here to see the list of schools and clubs your child could play for.
Links to their individual websites and social media are included to give more information about each club, and how to register them to play.

2025 Workshops

This practical workshop focuses on the learning and continued development of fundamental movement skills while ensuring players are having fun and experiencing the game with friends. It also introduces skill correction, and demonstrates skill and basic tactical activities for the modified 6 v 6 games.

​​​​​​​Register using the link below!

  • Tuesday 11th March Year 1-4 star helper/coaches workshops, 6-7.30pm
  • Tuesday 18th March Year 1-4 star helper/coaches workshops, 6-7.30pm
  • Thursday 20th March Year 5&6 coaches workshop, 6-7.30pm
  • Tuesday 25th March Year 5&6 coaches workshop, 6-7.30pm