
​​​​​​​Once athletes reach post-Colgate Games age, they compete as seniors. The biggest difference between senior and junior athletics is variation: depending on the level at which you wish to compete, a range of competitions (listed below) are available to you.

You will find that you will compete in age-groups less, and alongside athletes of a similar ability more. The purpose of this is to challenge each athlete to improve, through making each event more competitive.

When you compete (and which events you compete at) will depend on your goals for the season. If you’re just beginning your senior athletics journey, then we suggest trying one of Athletics Wellington’s Saturday or Twilight meets as an introduction. You may then wish to delve into the range of more serious events on offer, giving you the opportunity to compete against the best athletes from other regions far more often than you will have experienced in junior athletics. Or, you may wish to keep your season localised.

Either way, senior athletics has something to offer everyone.