The Greens Superintendent is responsible for the control of the greens.
Any time a green is open and not in use, it may be used for practice and casual play. Greens that are open for play are indicated on the board near the main Clubhouse door but, regardless of this noticeboard, if a yellow flag is flying from the flagpole at the front gate it indicates all greens are closed (usually because of weather conditions).
Even when open, greens may not always be available for casual play or practice because of tournaments or other special events, but this should be evident from the Programme.
Mats and jacks are stored at the end of the Greenkeepers shed on the Western boundary and club bowls are stored in the mens and womens locker rooms, or in the bar end of the Clubrooms. Please ensure that you return any items used, to where you got them from, at the end of each session
Flat soled shoes, without heels, must be worn on the greens. If in doubt about the suitability of your footwear, check with the official on duty on the day.
The greens can be damaged by rough use, thus affecting play and player’s enjoyment, as well as adding to maintenance costs — so always treat the greens with respect.