Opening Ceremony:

Head Student: Shugo - Line up

Head Student: Ki o tsuke Attention

Head Student: Seiza Kneel

Head Student: Mokuso Meditation

Head Student: Mokuso Yame Finish meditation

Head Student: Sensei Ni Face Instructor

Head Student: Rei Bow

Everybody: Onegaishimasu Will you please? In Karate, Please teach me.Said to the sensei as you bow to start class or to a fellow student before you begin working together.

Head Student: Kiritsu Stand up

Closing Ceremony:

Head Student: Shugo Line up

Head Student: Ki o tsuke Attention

Head Student: Seiza Kneel

Head Student: Mokuso Meditation

Head Student: Mokuso Yame Finish meditation

Head Student: Dojo Kun (Optional) Notions for training – first shouted by head student, then by everyone

Head Student: Sensei Ni Face instructor

Head Student: Rei Bow

Everybody: Arigato Gozaimashita Thank you very much, said to the sensei as you end class, or to a fellow student as you finish working together

Head Student: Otagi Ni Face fellow student

Head Student: Rei Bow

Head Student: Shomen Face front again, and wait for instructor to leave the floor, then students in order of rank first