Revolution Athletes NZ - check this out on our facebook page link, some AMAZING ideas!!!!

The following is for equipment we have in the container:

they are on the top middle shelf in the container. this clip is only 1minute, so I'm sure you have time to have a look - and adapt it for your girls.  We also have a box that they can try jumping up onto as well....just be safe!

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1.    Begin with a box of an appropriate height 1-2 feet in front of you. Stand with your feet should width apart. This will be your starting position.
2.    Perform a short squat in preparation for jumping, swinging your arms behind you.
3.    Rebound out of this position, extending through the hips, knees, and ankles to jump as high as possible. Swing your arms forward and up.
4.    Land on the box with the knees bent, absorbing the impact through the legs. You can jump from the box back to the ground, or preferably step down one leg at a time.

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they are hanging on the hook on the right hand side as you go into the container.  The following are not netball specific, but i think they will give you some good ideas.....even though the second clip is 10 mins long it offers some great drills so have a 15minute coffee break to get some ideas....

Click here or try this one  Click here