Played in Geraldine on 13th & 14th February 2021, there were 16 entries and they played a full round robin. Karyn Close managed the day.

Round 1. Eva Kircher Waireka 7-6 Louis Inglewood United, Betty Inglewood Fendalton 7-5 Lindsay Thompson Aorangi,Peter McAuliffe Geraldine 7-6 Eric Ogier Hornby,  Maurice Young Ashbury 7-5 Leith Geddes,  Shirley Harris Ashbury 7-6 Christina Miller Geraldine, Carole Graham Ashbury 7-5 Joyce Davis Waireka, Dave Bilton Ashbury 7-5 Doug Brinsmead Geraldine, John Davis 7-5 Daphne Fitzgerald.

Round 2. Brinsmead 7-2 L Inglewood, McAuliffe 7-3 Thompson, Young 7-3 B inglewood, Ogier 7-5 Harris, Graham 7-1 Geddes, Miller 7-3 Fitzgerald, Bilton 7-5 Jy Davis,  Kircher 7-5 Davis.

Round 3. L Inglewood 7-3 Davis, McAuliffe 7-2 Young, Harris 7-5 Thompson, Graham 7-4 B Inglewood, Ogier 7-5 Fitzgerald, Bilton 7-3 Geddes, Miller 7-6 Kircher, Brinsmead 7-5 Jy Davis.

Round 4. Jy Davis 7-6 L Inglewood, Young 7-4 Harris, McAuliffe 7-4 Graham, Thompson 7-3Fitzgerald.Bilton 7-5 B Inglewood, Ogier 7-4 Kircher, Brinsmead 7-5 Geddes, Miller 7-5 Davis.

Round 5. L Inglewood 7-5 Miller, Harris 7-5 Graham, Young 7-2 Fitzgerald, McAuliffe 7-6 Bilton, Thompson 7-4 Kircher,  Brinsmead 7-3 B Inglewood, Ogier 7-4 Davis, Geddes 7-3 Jy Davis.

Round 6. Geddes 7-4 L Inglewood, Graham 7-5 Fitzgerald, Harris 7-3 Bilton, Young 7-4 Kircher, McAuliffe 7-2 Brinsmead, Davis 7-5 Thompson, Jy Davis 7-6 B Inglewood, Miller 7-2 Ogier.

Round 7. Ogier 7-5 L Inglwood, Bilton 7-2 Fitzgerald, Graham 7-4 Kircher, Harris 7-4 Brinsmead, Young 7-1 Davis, McAuliffe 7-6 Jy Davis, Miller 7-6 Thompson, Geddes 7-4 B Inglewood.

Round 8. L Inglewood 7-4 B Inglewood, Bilton 7-6 Kircher, Brinsmead 7-5 Fitzgerald, Graham 7-4 Davis, Harris 7-4 Jy Davis, Young 7-5 Miller, McAuliffe 7-1 Geddes, Thompson 7-6 Ogier.

Round 9. L Inglewood 7-6 Thompson, Brinsmead 7-6 Kircher, Bilton 7-4 Davis, Jy Davis 7-6 Fitzgerald, Graham 7-3 Miller, Harris 7-4 Geddes, Ogier 7-6 Young, McAuliffe 7-4 B Inglewood.

Round 10. McAuliffe 7-1 L Inglwood, Brinsmead 7-4 Davis, Jy Davis 7-6 Kircher, Bilton 7-4 Miller, Geddes 7-2 Fitzgerald, Graham 7-4 Ogier, B Inglewood 7-4 Harris, Young 7-4 Thompson.

Round 11. Young 7-5 L inglewood, Davis 7-6 Jy Davis, Miller 7-3 Brinsmead, Geddes 7-3 Kircher, Ogier 7-4 Bilton, B Inglewood 7-3 Fitzgerald, Graham 7-5 Thompson, McAuliffe 7-5 Harris.

Round 12. L Inglewood 7-6 Harris, Miller 7-5 Jy Davis, Geddes 7-4 Davis, Brinsmead 7-1 Ogier, B Inglewood 7-2 Kircher, Bilton 7-4 Thompson, Fitzgerald 7-4 McAuliff, Young 7-4 Graham.

Round 13. L Inglewood 7-5 GrahamMiller 7-3 Geddes, Jy Davis 7-5 Ogoer, Davis 7-6 B Inglewood, Thompson 7-4 Brinsmead, McAuliffe 7-3 Kircher, Bilton 7-6 Young, Harris 7-5Fitzgerald.

Round 14. L Inglewood 7-4 Fitzgerald, Geddes 7-3 Ogier, Miller 7-4 B Inglewood, Thompson 7-4 Jy Davis, McAuliffe 7-5 Davis, Young 7-6 Brinsmead, Harris 7-1 Kircher,  Bilton 7-6 Graham.

Round 15.Bilton 7-4 L Inglewood, B Inglewood 7-4 Ogier, Geddes 7-4 Thompson, Miller 7-4 McAuliffe, Jy Davis 7-6 Young, Harris 7-5 Davis, Brinsmead 7-5 Graham, Kircher 7-4 Fitzgerald.

Winner Peter Mc Auliffe Geraldine 13/15 wins. Runner up Maurice Young Ashbury on a countback from Dave Bilton Ashbury both on 11/15 wins.

Played in Oamaru 15 &16 February, there were 12 entries and a full round robin was played.

Round 1. Peter McAuliffe Geraldine 7-5 Karyn Close  Geraldine, Doug Brinsmead Geraldine 7-4 Chris O'Sullivan Geraldine, Eric Scott Awamoa/Gardens 7-3 Pat Gunn Awa/G, Sen Macmaster Awa/G 7-6 Keith Robertson Awa/G, Bob Wickenden Awa/G 7-4 Janie Milan Awa/G, Christina Miller Geraldine 7-5 Teresa Ponsonby Waimate. 

Round 2.  Close 7-2 Ponsonby, Scott 7-3 Brinsmead, Macmaster 7-3 O'Sullivan, Milan 7-5 Gunn, Miller 7-6 Robertson, McAuliffe 7-4 Wickenden.

Round 3. Close 7-4 Wickenden, Macmaster 7-5 Scott, Brinsmead 7-4 Milan, Miller 7-6 O'Sullivan, McAuliffe 7-6 Gunn, Ponsonby 7-5 Robertson.

Round 4. Robertson 7-6 Close, Macmaster 7-2 Milan, Scott 7-3 Miller, Brinsmead 7-6 McAuliffe, O'Sullivan 7-1 Ponsonby, Gunn 7-5 Wickenden.

Round 5. Close 7-4 Gunn, Miller 7-4 Milan, Macmaster 7-4 McAuliffe, Ponsonby 7-3 Scott, Wickenden 7-4 Brinsmead, Robertson 7-2 O'Sullivan.

Round 6. Close 7-1 O'Sullivan, Miller 7-3 McAuliffe, Ponsonby 7-5 Milan, Macmaster 7-6 Wickenden, Robertson 7-2 Scott, Brinsmead 7-1 Gunn.

Round 7. Close 7-2 Scott, Ponsonby 7-6 Wickenden, Robertson 7-4 McAuliffe, Miller 7-6 Gunn, Milan 7-6O'Sullivan,  Macmaster 7-2 Brinsmead.

Round 8. Close 7-5 Brinsmead, Ponsonby 7-4 McAuliffe, Miller 7-4 Wickenden, Robertson 7-5 Milan, Macmaster 7-2 Gunn, Scott 7-5 O'Sullivan.

Round 9. Macmaster 7-4 Close, Wickenden 7-6 Robertson, Ponsonby 7-3 Gunn, O'Sullivan 7-4 McAuliffe, Miller 7-4 Brinsmead, Scott 7-6 Milan.

Round 10. Close 7-4 Milan, Robertson 7-6 Gunn, O'Sullivan 7-3 Wickenden, Ponsonby 7-4 Brinsmead, McAuliffe 7-5 Scott, Macmaster 7-3 Miller.

Round 11. Close 7-2 Miller, O'Sullivan 7-3 Gunn, Robertson 7-6 Brinsmead, Wickenden 7-6 Scott, Macmaster 7-2 Ponsonby, McAuliffe 7-6 Milan.

Winner with 11 wins Sen Macmaster Awamoa/Gardens (Waitaki Boys High School) runner up Karyn Close Geraldine with 8 wins (on a countback from Christina Miller Geraldine also with 8 wins).

Played in Timaru (Aorangi) 9 &10th February 2019. There were 16 entries and a full fround robin was played.

Round 1, Colin Lamb Waireka 7-3 Alison Bartlett West End, Brian Goodwin Waireka 7-3 Judith Smith Waireka,  Teresa Ponsonby Waimate 7-4 Raelene Souness Awamoa/Gardens,Pauline Scott Waireka 7-5 Shelagh Field Waireka, Lindsey Thompson 7-2 Junelle Edmonds Awa/G, Mary Kingan Awa/G 7-5 Joyce Davis Waireka, Christine Chisholm Awa/G 7-4, Colleen Woods WE, Diane Verdonck Awa/G 7-6 Pat Alston Waireka.

Round 2, Chisholm 7-3 Alston, Verdonck 7-0 Woods, Edmonds 7-4 Davis, Thompson 7-3 Kingan, Ponsonby 7-5 Scott, Souness 7-5 Field, Smith 7-5 Bartlett, Goodwin 7-2 Lamb.

Round 3, Souness 7-5 Kingan,Scott 7-5 Edmonds, Lamb 7-4 Chisholm, Smith 7-6 Verdonck, Davis 7-6 Goodwin,Thompson 7-6 Bartlett, Alston 7-6 Field, Woods 7-6 Ponsonby.

Round 4, Field 7-5 Woods, Ponsonby 7-6 Alston, Goodwin 7-2 Thompson, Bartlett 7-6 Davis, Verdonck 7-4 Lamb, Chisholm 7-4 Smith, Edmonds 7-5 Souness, Scott 7-4 Kingan.

Round 5, Alston 7-5 Edmonds, Kingan 7-6 Woods, Verdonck 7-1 Davis, Thompson 7-3 Chisholm, Souness 7-3 Bartlett, Goodwin 7-2 Scott, Ponsonby 7-4 Lamb, Field 7-6 Smith.

Round 6, Ponsonby 7-6 Smith, Lamb 7-3 Field, Bartlett 7-2 Scott, Goodwin 7-4 Souness, Chisholm 7-4 Davis, Verdonck 7-6 Thompson, Kingan 7-3 Alston, Woods 7-5 Edmonds.

Round 7, Verdonck 7-4 Souness, Scott 7-5 Chisholm, Lamb 7-4 Edmonds, Kingan 7-3 Smith, Thompson 7-4 Field, Ponsonby 7-4 Davis, Woods 7-3 Bartlett, Goodwin 7-6 Alston.

Round 8, Goodwin 7-6 Woods, Bartlett 7-3 Alston, Thompson 7-4 Ponsonby, Davis 7-3 Field, Smith 7-3 Edmonds, Lamb 7-2 Kingan, Chisholm 7-6 Souness, Verdonck 7-6 Scott.

Round 9, Goodwin 7-1 Chisholm, Kingan 7-4 Ponsonby, Edmond 7-6 Field, Verdonck 7-5 Bartlett, Lamb 7-4 Alston, Sith 7-4 Woods, Thompson 7-6 Scott, Davis 7-5 Souness.

Round 10, Souness 7-5 Thompson, Scott 7-6 davis, Smith 7-4 Alston, Lamb 7-2 Woods, Kingan 7-4 Field, Ponsonby 7-6 Edmonds, Verdonck 7-3 Goodwin, Chisholm 7-4 Bartlett.

Round 11, Verdonck 7-3 Ponsonby, Chisholm 7-4 Field, Bartlett 7-5 Kingan, Good win 7-3 Edmonds, Scott 7-4 Woods, Alston 7-6 Souness, Lamb 7-2 davis, Smith 7-2 Thompson.

Round 12, Davis 7-2 Smith, Lamb 7-4 hompson, Scott 7-5 Alston, Woods 7-6 Souness, Bartlett 7-6 Edmonds, Verdonck 7-2 Field, Ponsonby 7-4 Chisholm, Goodwin 7-5 Kingan.

Round 13, Verdonck 7-5 Edmonds, Kingan 7-5 Chisholm, Bartlett 7-6 Field, Goodwin 7-2 Ponsonby, Alston 7-4 Thompson, Davis 7-6 Woods, Smith 7-6 Souness, Lamb 7-6 Scott.

Round 14, Smith 7-5 Scott, Souness 7-4 Lamb, Woods 7-6 Thompson, Alston 7-1 Davis, Kingan 7-4 Verdonck, Edmonds 7-5 Chisholm, Field 7-6 Goodwin , Bartlett 7-3 Ponsonby.

Round 15, Ponsonby 7-6 Field, Goodwin 7-3 Bartlett, Verdonck 7-3 Chisholm, Edmonds 7-6 Kingan, Scott 7-4 Souness, Smith 7-3 Lamb, Alston 7-3 Woods, Davis 7-6 Thompson.

Winner Diane Verdonck Awamoa/Gardens 13 wins, runner up Brian Goodwin Waireka 12 wins.

Played at Geraldine on 10th & 11th February 2018. Their were 17 entries who played 17 rounds with a bye.

Round 1,  Sue Cleveland (Geraldine) 7-6 Bev Blair (Waireka), Josie Tallents (Waireka) 7-3 Jack Ellery (Geraldine), Joan Simpson (Aorangi) 7-6 Jackie Rollinson (Waireka), Oscar Baird-Gosling (Aorangi) 7- 6 Sue Lamb (Waireka), Shelgh Field (Waireka) 7-2 Eva Kircher (Waireka), Brian Maxwell (Aorangi) 7-5  Kevin McGlinchy (Aorangi), Ann Toomey (Geraldine) 7-6 Bill Allnutt (Waireka), Christina Miller (Geraldine) 7-5 Chris O'Sullivan (Geraldine), Lindsey Thompson (Aorangi) the bye.

Round 2,  Lamb 7-4 Field, Baird-Gosling 7-4 Thompson,Ellery 7-4 Miller, Maxwell 7-5 Rollinson, Blair 7-0 O'Sullivan, Tallents 7-4 Allmutt,Simpson 7-6 Kircher, Cleveland 7-5 Toomey. McGlinchy the bye.

Round 3,  Tallents 7-1 Rollinson, Cleveland 7-3 Thompson, Lamb 7-6 Blair, Baird-Gosling 7-6 Simpson, McGlinchy 7-6 Miller, Toomey 7-2 Kircher, Maxwell 7-2 O'Sullivan, Field 7-3 Allnutt, Ellery the bye.

Round 4,  O'Sullivan 7-2 Field, McGlinchy 7-4 Toomey, Maxwell 7-6 Allnutt, Miller 7-6 Kircher, Blair 7-5 Rollinson, Thompson 7-5 Ellery, Cleveland 7-4 Simpson, Tallents 7-6 Baird-Gosling, Lamb the bye.

Round 5,  Maxwell 7-3 Ellery, Cleveland 7-2 Field, Tallents 7-3 Blair, Lamb 7-2 Toomey, Rollinson 7-5 Miller, Baird-Gosling 7-1 O'Sullivan, Simpson 7-6 Allnutt. McGlinchy 7-5 Thompson, Kircher the bye.

Round 6,  Blair 7-6 McGlinchy, Allnut 7-6 Baird-Gosling, Thompson 7-5 Kircher, Miller 7-5 Lamb, Toomey 7-6 Rollinson ,Maxwell 7-4 Cleveland, Ellery 7-5 Field, Tallents 7-3 O'Sullivan, Simpson the bye.

Round 7,  Tallents 7-3 Field, Blair 7-6 Baird-Gosling, Thompson 7-5 Toomey, Kircher 7-6 Rollinson, McGlinchy 7-5 Lamb, Cleveland 7-3 O'Sullivan, Ellery 7-5 Allnutt,Simpson 7-5 Maxwell, Miller the bye.

Round 8,  Rollinson 7-4 Field, O'Sullivan 7-2 Thompson, Simpson 7-6 Tallents, McGlinchy 7-5 Baird-Gosling, Maxwell 7-4 Lamb, Ellery 7-1 Toomey, Kircher 7-4 Blair, Cleveland 7-5 Miller, Allnutt the bye.

Round 9,  Ellery 7-6 Cleveland, Lamb 7-5 Rollinson, McGlinchy 7-1 Kircher, Tallents 7-4 Miller, Blair 7-5 Toomey, Thompson 7-3 Allnutt, Field 7-2 Simpson, Baird-Gosling 7-5 Maxwell, O'Sullivan the bye.

Round 10,  Maxwell 7-2 Toomey, Kircher 7-1 O'Sullivan, Allnutt 7-6 Blair, McGlinchy 7-1 Tallents, Miller 7-5 Field,  Ellery 7-6 Simpson, Lamb 7-5 Thompson, Baird-Gosling 7-5 Cleveland, Rollinson the bye.

Round 11,  Lamb 7-3 Kircher, Ellery 7-3 O'Sullivan, Allnutt 7-4 Cleveland, Tallents 7-1 Maxwell, Blair 7-3 Field, Miller 7-5 Thompson, McGlinchy 7-6 Rollinson, Simpson 7-5 Toomey, Baird-Gosling the be.

Round 12,  Rollinson 7-4 Allnutt, McGinchy 7-3 Cleveland, Ellery 7-3 Kircher, Baird-Gosling 7-3 Toomey, Blair 7-6 Maxwell, Tallents 7-4 Thompson, Smpson 7-4 Miller, Lamb 7-4 O'Sullivan, Field the bye.

Round 13,  McGlinchy 7-2 Ellery, Thompson 7-3 Field, Cleveland 7-5 Kircher, O'Sullivan 7-6 Rollinson, Lamb 7-5 Allnutt, Toomey 7-6 Tallents, Simpson 7-6 Blair, Miller 7-5 Baird-Gosling, Maxwell the bye.

Round 14,  Lamb 7-5 Simpson, Blair 7-2 Miller, Field 7-6 Maxwell, Tallents 7-4 Cleveland, Ellery 7-3 Baird-Gosling, McGlinchy 7-5 O'Sullivan, Allnutt 7-5 Kircher, Rollinson 7-4 Thompson, Toomey the bye.

Round 15,  Baird-Gosling 7-4 Kircher, McGlinchy 7-4 Allnutt, Ellery 7-1 Lamb, Rollinson 7-3 Cleveland, Maxwell 7-5 Miller, Simpson 7-3 O'Sullivan, Blair 7-6 Thompson, Field 7-4 Toomey, Tallents the bye.

Round 16,  Miller 7-4 Toomey, Thompson 7-3 Maxwell, Cleveland 7-4 Lamb, Tallents 7-1 Kircher, Ellery 7-3 Rollinson, McGlinchy 7-3 Simpson, Allnutt 7-3 O'Sullivan, Field 7-5 Baird-Gosling, Blair the bye.

Round 17,  Thompson 7-6 Simpson,Maxwell 7-2 Kircher, Field 7-6 McGlinchy, Miller 7-5 Allnutt, O'Sullivan 7-0 Toomey, Ellery 7-5 Blair, Tallents 7-6 Lamb, Rollinson 7-4 Baird-Gosling, Cleveland the bye.

Winner on a countback Josie Tallents Waireka from Kevin McGlinchy Aorangi both with 13 wins.

Played at Geraldine on 11th and 12th February 2017.

There was a full field of 16 players, weather was good and 32 of the 120 games played went to the 13th Hoop. Sue Cleveland was the Referee.

Players from Waireka; Gail Benseman, Bruce Leath, Eva Kircher, Pauline Scott, Bill Allnutt, Sue Lamb, Rod Webb, and Sue Whyte.

Players from Aorangi; Lindsay Thompson, Jamie Parry, Brian Maxwell, Oscar Baird-Gosling, and Kevin McGlinchy.

Geraldine; Ann Toomey and Chris O'Sullivan.

Waimate; Anne McMaster.

Round 1. Webb 7-6 Thompson, Toomey 7-4 Whyte, Kircher 7-6 Oscar B-G, Scott 7-5 McGlinchy, Allnutt 7-4 McMaster, Lamb 7-6 O'Sullivan, Parry 7-6 Benseman,Maxwell 7-3 Leath.   

Round 2. Maxwell 7-5 Benseman, Parry 7-5  Leath, Allnutt 7-4, O'Sullivan, Lamb 7-3 McMaster, McGlinchy 7-4 Kircher, Oscar B-G,7-4 Scott,Toomey 7-6 Webb,Whyte 7-4 Thompson.

Round 3. McMaster 7-4 Scott, Kircher 7-3 O'Sullivan, Whyte 7-5 McGlinchy, Oscar B-G 7-2 Webb, Benseman 7-6 Thompson, Leath 7-6 Toomey, Lamb 7-5 Maxwell, Allnutt 7-5 Parry.

Round 4. Parry 7-5 Lamb, Maxwell 7-0 Allnutt, Leath 7-3 Thompson, Benseman 7-6 Toomey, Oscar B-G 7-6 Whyte,McGlinchy 7-5 Webb, Kircher 7-4 McMaster, Scott 7-4 O'Sullivan.

Round 5. Maxwell 7-3 Kircher, Scott 7-2 Parry, Webb 7-6 McMaster, Whyte 7-6 O'Sullivan, Leath 7-6 McGlinchy, Oscar B-G 7-5 Benseman, Allnutt 7-3 Thompson, Lamb 7-4 Toomey.

Round 6. Allnutt 7-4 Toomey, Thompson 7-6 Lamb, McGlinchy 7-6 Benseman, Oscar B-G 7-6 Leath, Webb 7-3 O'Sullivan, Mc Master 7-3 Whyte, Maxwell 7-5 Scott, Parry 7-3 Kircher.

Round 7. Leath 7-4 McMaster, Beaseman 7-4 O'Sullivan, Oscar B-G 7-5 Lamb, McGlinchy 7-6 Allnutt, Thompson 7-4 Kircher, Scott 7-6 Toomey, Parry 7-4 Webb, Maxwell 7-4 Whyte.

Round 8. Parry 7-3 Whyte, Maxwell 7-2 Webb,Kircher 7-2 Toomey, Scott 7-6 Thompson, Oscar B-G 7-3 Allnutt, McGlinchy 7-3 Lamb, Benseman 7-4 McMaster, O'Sullivan 7-2 Leath.

Round 9. Whyte 7-6 Benseman, Allnutt 7-5 Scott, Thompson 7-4 Maxwell, Toomey 7-6 Parry, Lamb 7-6 Kircher, Leath 7-5 webb, Oscar B-G 7-5 O'Sullivan, McGlinchy 7-3 Mc Master.

Round 10. Oscar 7-4 Mc Master, McGlinchy 7-1 O'Sullivan, Scott 7-5 Lamb, Kircher 7-4 Allnutt, Maxwell 7-4 Toomey,Parry 7-5 Thompson, Leath 7-5 Whyte, Webb 7-5 Benseman.

Round 11. Allnutt 7-3 Leath, Lamb 7-5 Benseman, Parry 7-3 O'Sullivan,  Maxwell 7-5 Mc Master, Webb 7-6 Scott, Kircher 7-5 Whyte, McGlinchy 7-6 Thompson, Toomey 7-2 Oscar B-G.

Round 12. McGlinchy 7-2 Toomey, Oscar B-G 7-4 Thompson, Kircher 7-6 Webb, Leath 7-4 Lamb, Maxwell 7-4 O'Sullivan, McMaster 7-6 Parry, Allnutt 7-5 Benseman, Whyte 7-4 Scott.

Round 13.  Leath 7-5 Kircher, Benseman 7-6 Scott,Oscar B-G 7-6 Maxwell, Parry 7-4 McGlinchy, Webb 7-6 Lamb, Allnutt 7-4 Whyte,McMaster 7-5 Toomey, Thompson 7-3 O'Sullivan.

Round 14. O'Sullivan 7-6 Toomey, Thompson 7-3 Mc Master, Leath 7-5 Scott, Kircher 7-2 Benseman, Oscar B-G 7-6 Parry, Maxwell 7-6 McGlinchy, Lamb 7-5 Whyte, Allnutt 7-5 Webb.

Round 15. Allnutt 7-3 Lamb,Whyte 7-4 Webb, McMaster 7-4 O'Sullivan, Toomey 7-4 Thompson Bensemsn 7-6 Leath, Kircher 7-6 Scott, Parry 7-3 Maxwell, Oscar B-G 7-6 McGlinchy.

Winner Oscar Baird Gosling

Runner up Brian Maxwell on a countback from Bill Allnutt.

Played at Geraldine on 13 & 14th February 2016.
Day One saw four blocks of six players competing with the top four players from each block playing in two blocks of eight with a final.

X Block Round One
Jason Hodgett (Aorangi) 7 Jack Hodgett (Aorangi) 6, Jenny Wilson (Geraldine) 7 Bill Allnut (Waireka) 4, Ethel Johnston (Awamoa Gardens) 7 Caitlin Smith (Waireka) 3, E#va Kircher (Waireka) 7 Lindsay Thompson (Aorangi) 6
Round Two
Allnut 7 Kircher 3, Wilson 7 Thompson 6, Smith 7 Hodgett 5, Greenlaw 7 Johnston 4
Round Three
Johnston 7 Hodgett 6, Greenlaw 7 Smith ?, Allnut 7 Thompson ?, Wilson 7 Kircher ?
Round Four
Smith 7 Thompson 6, Allnut 7 Hodgett 3, Johnston 7 Kircher 5
Round Five
Thompson 7 Greenlaw 5, Allnut 7 Smith 6, Johnston 7 Wilson 6, Hodgett 7 Kircher 4
Round Six
Smith 7 Wilson 6, Hodgett 7 Thompson 1, Greenlaw 7 Kircher 3
Round SevenGreenlaw 7 Wilson 3, Smith 7 Kircher 6, Thompson 7 Johnston ?, Hodgett 7 Allnut 6
Winner of Block X Jason Hodgett 5 wins =+10
Runner-up Ethel Johnston 5 wins = +9
Block Y Round One
Oscar Baird-Gosling (Aorangi) 7 Bev MacIver (Aorangi) 6, Kevin McGlinchy (Aorangi) 7 Janice Murta (Waireka) 4, Christina Miller (Geraldine) 7 Sue Cleveland (Geraldine) 4, Bill Allnutt (Waireka) 7 Brian Maxwell (aorangi) 6, Round Two
Allnut 7 McGlinchy 6, Baird-Gosling 7 Cleveland 6, MacIver 7 Miller 6, Maxwell 7 Murta ?
Round Three
Baird-Gosling 7 Miller 4, MacIver 7 Cleveland 4, Murta 7 Allnut 2, Maxwell 7 McGlinchy ?
Round Four
Millelr 7 Maxwell 6, McGlinchy 7 Baird-Gosling 6, Cleveland 7 Allnut 4, Murta  7 MacIver 6
Murta 7 Cleveland 6, Miller 7 McGlinchy 3, Baird-Gosling 7 Maxwell 4, MacIver 7 Allnut 3
Round Six
McGlinchy 7 Cleveland  6, Baird-Gosling 7 Allnut 5, MacIver 7 Maxwell 5, Milller 7 Murta 6
Round Seven
Baird-Gosling 7 Murta 3, McGlinchy 7 MacIver 6, Maxwell 7 Cleveland 4, Allnut 7 Miller 4
Winner of Block Y Oscar Baird-Gosling 6 wins
Runner-up B MacIver 4 wins on a C/B from
C Miller and K McGlinchy

Winner of Final Oscar Baird-Gosling 7
Runner-up Jason Hodgett 5

Played at Geraldine on 16th February 2013.
Played in two Blocks.
Block one was won by Andrew Hawthorne on a countback from Kevin McGlinchy both with 7 wins.
Block two was won by Bev  Blair with 6 wins.
The final was won by Andrew Hawthorne 7-3.
Block 1,
Round 1.
Roy Hix (Aorangi) 7-6 Jennifer Wilson (Geraldine), Sue Cleveland (Geraldine) 7-5 Jackie Rollinson (Waireka), Betty Beck (Waireka) 7-5 Phyllis (Waireka),Kevin McGlinchy (Aorangi) 7-6 Andrew Hawthorne (Waireka), Lyn Jones (Waireka) had the bye.
Round 2.
McGlinchy 7-6 Cleveland, Reith 7-6 Jones, Hawthorne 7-2 Hix, Rollinson 7-6 Wilson, Beck had the bye.
Round 3.
Hawthorne 7-6 Wilson, McGlinchy 7-3 Jones, Beck 7-2 Hix, Cleveland 7-4 Reith, Rollinson the bye.
Round 4.
Hawthorne 7-4 Cleveland,McGinchy 7-5 Beck, Reith 7-5 Rollinson, Jones 7-6 Hix, Wilson the bye.
Round 5.
Wilson 7-3 Beck, Hawthorne 7-2 Reith, Jones  7-6 Cleveland, McGlinchy 7-1 Rollinson, Hix the bye.
Round 6.
Hix 7-5 Rollinson, Wilson 7-3 Jones,Cleveland 7-5 Beck, McGlinchy 7-3 Reith, Hawthorne the bye.
Round 7.
Hawthorne 7-4 Jones, Reith 7-6 Hix, Wilson 7-4 McGlinchy, Becks 7-5 Rollinson, Cleveland the bye.
Round 8.
Wilson 7-0 Reith, Cleveland 7-1 Hix, Jones 7-5 Rollinson, Hawthorne 7-2 Beck, McGlinchy the bye.
Round 9.
Beck 7-4 Jones, Hawthorne 7-4 Rollinson, McGlinchy 7-1 Hix, Wilson 7-3 Cleveland, Reith the bye.

Block 2.
Round 1.
Sue Lamb (Waireka) 7-6 Selby Mills (West End),
Eva Kircher (Waireka) 7-6 Annette King (Waireka), Joan Simpson (Aorangi) 7-5 Adam Greaney (Waireka), Beverley Blair (Waireka) 7-3 Olive Crossan (Aorangi), Bill Anderson (Geraldine had the bye.
Round 2.
Kircher 7-5 Crossan, Anderson 7-6 Simpson, Blair 7-3 MIlls, Lamb 7-6 King Greaney the bye.
Round 3.
Blair 7-6 Lamb, Anderson 7-5 Crossan, Greaney 7-2 Mills, Simpson 7-3 Kircher, King the Bye.
Round 4.
Blair 7-5 Kircher, Greaney 7-6 Crossan, King 7-3 Simpson, Anderson 7-5 Mills, Lamb the bye.
Round 5.
Lamb 7-4 Greaney, Simpson 7-5 Blair, Anderson 7-1 Kircher, Crossan 7-5 King, Mills the bye.
Round 6.
King 7-4 Mills, Anderson 7-5 Lamb, Greaney 7-4 Kircher, Simpson 7-1 Crossan, Blair the bye.
Round 7.
Blair 7-5 Anderson, Mills 7-4 Simpson, Lamb 7-5 Crossan, Greaney 7-6 King, Kircher the bye.
Round 8.
Simpson 7-1 Lamb, Kircher 7-6 Mills, King 7-5 Anderson, Blair 7-5 Greaney, Crossan the bye.
Round 9.
Greaney 7-3 Anderson, King 7-2 Blair, Mills 7-5 Crossan, Lamb 7-5 Kircher, Simpson the bye.
Play off as at the top.
Played at Ashbury Club on 18th/19th February 2012.
Round 1. First Colours. [FC]
Gay Gillespie [West End] 7-6 Eva Kircher [Waireka], Jack Ellery [Geraldine] 7-4 Enid Day [Ashbury], Les Kircher [Waireka] 7-3 Olive Crossan [Aorangi], Kay Tegelaars [Ashbury] 7-4 Suzanne Cleveland [Geraldine].
Second Colours [SC]
Joan Fentiman [Ashbury] 7-4 Hugh Murphy [Aorangi], Jenny Wilson [Geraldine] 7-2 Joan Simpson [Aorangi],Jono Hart [Fendalton Park Chch] 7-6 Graeme Simpson [Aorangi], Lindsey Thompson [Aorangi] 7-3 Bill Anderson [Geraldine].
Round 2. FC.
Thompson 7-2 Wilson, G Simpson 7-5 Fentiman, Anderson 7-4 J Simpson, Hart 7-5 Murphy.
S Cleveland 7-5 Day,Crossan 7-5 E Kircher, Ellery 7-1 Tegelaars, L Kircher 7-0 Gillespie.
Round 3. FC.
Ellery 7-5 Hart,Wilson 7-3 Gillespie, Cleveland 7-2 Fentiman, Anderson 7-3 Crossan.
G Simpson 7-3 L Kircher, E Kircher 7-5 Murphy, Tegelaars 7-2 Thompson,  J Simpson 7-5 Day.
Round 4 FC.
Tegelaars 7-5 J Simpson, Murphy 7-6 L Kircher, Day 7-2 Thompson, G Simpson 7-5 E Kircher.
Anderson 7-6 Gillespie,Ellery 7-3 Fentiman, Wilson 7-3 Crossan, Hart 7-5 Cleveland.
Round 5. FC.
Thompson 7-3 Fentiman, G Simpson 7-4 Anderson, J Simpson 7-4 Hart, Wilson 7-3 Murphy.
Ellery 7-4 E Kircher, Day 7-6 Gillespie, L Kircher 6-3 Cleveland,  Tegelaars 7-1 Crossan.
Round 6. FC.
Day 7-6 Crossan, Cleveland 7-1 E Kircher, Tegelaars 7-4 Gillespie. Ellery 7-3 L Kircher.
Wilson 6-5 G Simpson, Hart 7-5 Thompson, Anderson 7-5 Murphy, Fentiman 7-6 J Simpson.
Round 7. FC.
Ellery7-2 Anderson, Gillespie 7-4 Fentiman, Cleveland 6-5 Wilson, Hart 7-5 Crossan.
Tegelaars 7-4 Murphy, J Simpson 7-2 E Kircher, Day 7-6 G Simpson, Thompson 7-4 L Kircher.
Round 8. FC.
J Simpson 7-1 L Kircher, Day 7-4 Murphy, Thompson 7-4 E Kircher, G Simpson 7-5 Tegelaars.
Crossan 7-4 Fentiman, Wilson 7-3 Ellery, Gillespie 7-4 Hart,  Cleveland 7-3 Anderson.
Round 9. FC.
L Kircher 7-4 Wilson, Tegelaars 7-4 Fentiman, Hart 7-4 Day, Andersdon 7-5 E Kircher.
Gillespie 7-4 Thompson, Cleveland 7-3 Murphy, J Simpson 7-4 Crossan, Ellery 5-4 G Simpson.

Day 2.
Round 10, FC.
Ellery 7-6 Murphy, Thompson 7-3 Crossan, G Simpson 7-2 Cleveland, Gillespie 7-5 J Simpson.
Tegelaars 7-2 Hart, Anderson 7-6 L Kircher, Fentiman 7-5 Day, Wilson 7-6 E Kircher.
Round 11. FC.
Day 7-6 Anderson, Hart 7-4 E Kircher, Wilson 7-6 Tegelaars, L Kircher 7-5 Fentiman.
Cleveland 7-3 J Simpson, G Simpson 5-4 Gillespie, Ellery 7-2 Thompson, Crossan 7-3 Murphy.
Round 12. FC.
G Simpson 7-3 Crossan, Thompson 7-6 Cleveland, Murphy 7-6 Gillespie,Ellery 7-2 J Simpson.
E Kircher 7-5 Fentiman, Wilson 7-4 Day, Anderson 7-4 Tegelaars, Hart 7-3 L Kircher.
Round 13. FC.
Anderson 7-4 Fentiman, E Kircher 7-5 Tegelaars, Wilson 7-5 Hart, L Kircher 7-4 Day.
Thompson 7-6 Murphy, Ellery 7-2 Crossan, G Simpson 6-5 J Simpson, Cleveland 7-2 Gillespie.
Round 14. FC.
Cleveland 7-2 Crossan, Murphy 6-2 J Simpson, Ellery 7-6 Gillespie, Thompson 7-6 G Simpson.
Anderson 7-5 Hart, Tegelaars 7-5 L Kircher, Fentiman 7-6 Wilson, E Kircher 7-6 Day.
Round 15. FC.
Tegelaars 7-3 Day, Wilson 7-3 Anderson, L Kircher 7-5 E Kircher, Hart 7-3 Fentiman.
Cleveland 7-5 Ellery, Thompson 7-5 J Simpson, Gillespie 7-4 Crossan, G Simpson 7-6 Murphy.
Winner. Jack Ellery Geraldine club 13/15 wins from Jenny Wilson Geraldine club 11/15 wins.

Played at Ashbury Club on 12/13th February 2011.

Round one, First Colours.
Les Kircher (Waireka) 7-4 Eva Kircher (Waireka)
Karl Adams (Aorangi) 7-4 Kevin McGlinchy (Aorangi). Kay Tegelaars (Ashbury) 7- 4 Phyllis Reith (Waireka), Lesley Shortus (Waimate) 7-5 Joan Simpson (Aorangi).
Second Colours.
Margaret Leathwick (Waimate) 7- 6 George Melrose (Aorangi), Palamie Flannery (Aorangi) 7-5 Oscar Baird-Gosling (Aorangi), Ben Stewart (Aorangi) 7-6 Gay Gillespie (Waimate).

Round Two First Colours.
Tegelaars 7-3 E Kircher, Baird-Gosling 7-4 Stewart, Shortus 7-4 McGlinchy.
Second Colours.
Adams 7-3 Simpson, Reith 7-5 L Kircher, Gillespie 7-4 Flannery.

Round Three. First Colours.
McGlinchy 7-4 Simpson, Baird -Gosling 7-5 Gillespie, E Kircher 7-4 Reith.
Second Colours.
Adams 7-4 Shortus, Flannery 7-5 Stewart, Tegelaars 7-3 L Kircher.

Round Four, First Colours.
Tegelaars 7-4 Flannery, Gillespie 7-6 Leathwick, Simpson 7-6 L Kircher.
Second Colours.
Baird-Gosling 7-2 Reith, E Kircher 7-5 Shortus, Stewart 7-5 Melrose.

Round Five, First Colours.
L Kircher 7-4 Shortus, Leathwick 7-5 Stewart, Tegelaars 7-6 Baird Gosling.
Second Colours.
Simpson 7-4 E Kircher, Melrose 7-1 Gillespie, Flannery 7-5 Reith.

Round Six, First Colours.
Simpson 7-5 Baird-Gosling, Adams 7-4 Gillespie, Tegelaars 7-2 Melrose.
Second Colours.
Flannery 7-6 Shortus, Stewart 7-4 McGlinchy, Leathwick 7-5 Reith.

Round Seven, First Colours.
Shortus 7-4 Baird -Gosling, Melrose 7-4 Reith, Gillespie 7-5 McGlinchy.
Second Colours.
Tegelaars 7-3 Leathwick, Stewart 7-6 Adams,

Round Eight, First Colours.
Tegelaars 7-4 Adams,Stewart 7-4 L Kircher, Melroser 7-4 Shortus.
Second Colours.
Reith 7-6 McGlinchy, Leathwick 7-6 Simpson,Gillespie 7-4 E Kircher.

Round NIne, First Colours.
Shortus 7-3 Leathwick, E Kircher 7-5 Stewart, Adams 7-2 Reith, McGlinchy 7-6 Tegelaars.
Second Colours,
Melrose 7-2 Simpson, Gillespie 7-6 L Kircher.

Round Ten, First Colours,
McGlinchy 7-4 Leathwick, Baird-Gosling 7-6 L Kircher, Stewart 7-2 Reith.
Second Colours.
Flannery 7-5 E Kircher, Adams 7-4 Melrose., Tegelaars 7-4 Gillespie.

Round Eleven, First Colours.
Adams 7-6 E Kircher, Melrose 7-5 Flannery, Reith 7-6 Shortus.
Second Colours.
McGlinchy 7-4 L Kircher, Baird-Gosling 7-3 Leathwick, Tegelaars 7-3 Simpson.

Round Twelve, First Colours.
Tegelaars 7-5 Stewart, Melrose 7-4 McGlinchy, Flannery 7-2 L Kircher, Adams 7-4 Leathwick.
Second Colours.
Reith7-4 Gillespie, Baird-Gosling 7-6 E Kircher.

Round Thirteen, First Colours.
Baird-Gosling 7-2 Adams, Melrose 7-2 L Kircher, Stewart 7-5 Simpson.
Second Colours.
Flannery 7-6 McGlinchy, E Kircher 7-4 Leathwick, Shortus 7-3 Gillespie.

Round Fourteen, First Colours.
Flannery 7-3 Leathwick, Reith 7-6 Simpson, Baird-Gosling 7-3 Melrose, McGlinchy 7-5 E Kircher.
Second Colours.
Tegelaars 7-5 Shortus, Adams 7-4 L Kircher.

Round Fifteen, First Colours.
Melrose 7-3 E Kircher, Shortus 7-6 Stewart, Baird-
Gosling 7-6 McGlinchy.Leathwick 7-4 L Kircher.
Second Colours.
Gillespie 7-4 Simpson, Adams 7-3 Flannery .

Winner Kay Tegelaars Ashbury 12/13wins, from Karl Adams Aorangi 10/12.