Southland Tramping and Outdoor Recreation Club Inc.

​​​​​​​Federated Farmers Building, 70 Forth Street at 7.30 pm​​​​​​​

Entrance up driveway - plenty of parking

Next Meeting - Wednesday 12th March 2025




The Club has a batch of key rings available

for purchase at $10ea with the new club logo

phone Anne 0274 804 995

(Similar to ones we previously had)


F M C Cards

There are still a few FMC Cards available for the

2024/2025 season at the club meeting

or by phoning Barbara 021 217 2423


​​​​​​​Tramping, Biking, Kayaking, Social Outings

Conservation Projects, Assisting with Planting Projects

Assisting with Trapping Projects

 Track Maintenance 

Volunteer Marshalls for Events

Courses - Navigation - First Aid - River Crossing


​​​​​​​HELP !!

 can you lead a trip an activity?  

have an idea of something exciting you would like to try?

or a place you would like to go !

Contact Club Captain - Graeme 0274 335 737