Southland Tramping and Outdoor Recreation Club Inc.
Federated Farmers Building, 70 Forth Street at 7.30 pm
Entrance up driveway - plenty of parking
Next Meeting - Wednesday 12th March 2025
The Club has a batch of key rings available
for purchase at $10ea with the new club logo
phone Anne 0274 804 995
(Similar to ones we previously had)
F M C Cards
There are still a few FMC Cards available for the
2024/2025 season at the club meeting
or by phoning Barbara 021 217 2423
Tramping, Biking, Kayaking, Social Outings
Conservation Projects, Assisting with Planting Projects
Assisting with Trapping Projects
Track Maintenance
Volunteer Marshalls for Events
Courses - Navigation - First Aid - River Crossing
can you lead a trip an activity?
have an idea of something exciting you would like to try?
or a place you would like to go !
Contact Club Captain - Graeme 0274 335 737