Our club held a very successful photo competition with 11 people entering 57 photos in 6 different categories
Above Bushline with Human Element - 1st Courtney, 2nd Neroli, 3rd Susan
Above Bushline No Human Element - 1st Susan, 2nd Enrique, 3rd Barbara
Below Bushline with Human Element - 1st Susan, 2nd Anne, 3rd Barry
Below Bushline No Human Element - 1st Pip, 2nd Barbara, 3rd Barbara
Historic - 1st Barry, 2nd Barry, 3rd Anne
Native Flora and Fauna - 1st Susan, 2nd Susan, 3rd Anne
check out the photos on the gallery
FMC Cardholders (all financial STORC members) DISCOUNTS
Southern Adventure in Invercargill is a non-profit outdoor gear business, with all proceeds going straight back into the local community.
FMC members can get 15% off instore, and can also register for their VIP card for up to 25% off during sales. www.southernadventure.co.nz
Multiple locations throughout New Zealand. 30% off RRP on Macpac branded products (excludes Gift Vouchers) with sign up to MWC (it’s free to join). Includes our full range of Macpac packs, tents, sleeping bags, clothing & accessories. For store locations visit www.macpac.co.nz
20% off Torpedo7 branded gear and 10% off non Torpedo7 branded gear.
Discounts are off RRP and exclude electronics, gift cards and services.
Show your current FMC card in store to claim your discount. Visit www.Torpedo7.co.nz to find your nearest store
STORC Funding Projects for 2024
Funding provided to New Zealand Nature Fund – Protection of the Endangered Southern NZ Dotterel to assist with predator control at their breeding site on the tops of Rakiura to the value of $2,500.
The Southern New Zealand Dotterel is unique in that it flies to alpine areas to breed during September to January before returning to the estuaries of the Southland Coast.
Their plight has become quite serious as a 19% decline in population was recorded in the year to April 2024. Down to 101 birds. This was on top of 13% decline recorded the previous year, down from 143 birds in 2 years.
DOC believes that a total of 41 adult birds were killed by feral cats in the last breeding season, in spite of the DOC Ranger team killing 32 feral cats across the birds breeding sites. The situation is dire.
I would like to suggest that funding be considered for a seat to be installed at Seaward Bush Reserve. I have approached Parks & Reserves Department of ICC with this suggestion and while they are very interested it may be some time before we can ascertain a specific amount, and complete the necessary consents.
Therefore I request that we set aside $2,000 in the interim.
A seat at this Reserve would benefit both young and old. Older people needing a resting spot half way round the long loop. It could also be someone who is exercising while recovering from an operation, and needs a break. Young children always like somewhere to stop and rest while exploring this Reserve.
LandSAR Southland has now achieved most of its target for the construction of a trailer. The closest estimates (as of 9th October) indicate that they are about $1000 short of the actual trailer construction costs with other costs such as registration and insurance on top of that still to come. The STC Committee has asked me to put Steve Parry’s original proposal from last year back on the table. Therefore we request that an amount of up to $5000 be made available to LandSAR Southland for the purchase and instatement of a suitable trailer and that this funding be made available and left open for a period of 2 years from 9th October 2024. Note: Any payments are to be for specifics related to the trailer and not for funds for LandSAR Southland to operate.
STC Funding Projects for 2023
No further funding projects were funded as all funding went to the 75th Jubilee.
STC Funding Projects for 2022
Funding of $2,000 was provided to Rural Women NZ Castledowns Wetlands to enhance their trapping project, and assist with weed control and replanting with suitable native trees.
Funding of $2,000 was provided to Omaui Landcare Charitable Trust to assist in the production of a promotional brochure to aid the Trust in providing a professional presentation to aid in future Funding Applicatons
Land Search and Rescue Southland applied for funding of $5,000 as part of the funds required to purchase a dedicated trailer for their equipment. This was considered, and it was decided that they should apply to other funders in the first instance, and the Club would consider any shortfall donation at a later date.
Approved at the 74th AGM held on 12th October 2022
STC Funding Projects for 2021
Funding to be provided, up to $5,000 for the STC 75th Jubilee
A donation of $1,000 be made to Southern Lakes Helicopters for their rescue work
All were approved at the 73rd AGM held on 13th October 2021
STC Funding Projects for 2020
Public Conservation and City Council land managed by Omaui Landcare Charitable Trust Oamui Reserve Restoration Project, is a 230 ha Public reserve on Mokomoko Road, Omaui.
As the Group is no longer receiving finance from the Dept of Conservation to complete their tasks of resetting Goodnature trap pests on the Oamui Reserve.
STC has provided a one off donation of $2,000.00 to help with the cost of resetting the A24 Goodnature traps on the Omaui reserve.
In May of 2020 the New Zealand Native Forest Restoration Trust purchased a 80 hectare block of land which had been used by Peter Knight for grazing. The land has some 40 hectares of established Totara forest with little or no vegetation under it, it is just Totara trees. It is hoped that the underscore will re-establish itself over the coming years. The cost to the Trust was in excess of what they really could afford but this was so good an opportunity to save a piece of nationally (and probably internationally) significant established “Podocarp Forest on Sand dune systems” that they felt they had to get this land and protect it. Fencing is also being established and then a restoration project of part of the area will start with the planting of native species endemic to the area.
STC will provide the Native forest restoration Trust the Southland Tramping Club $500 a year (to be a combination of Native Plants and Combiguards) for planting at the Oreti road reserve for 5 of the next six years
This $500 would be supplemented by the donation of some plants to the point that there would be possibly 100 ~ 200 plants to put in the ground annually. This would be accomplished as part of a working bee by STC members on a suitable day.
Planting days would occur in the following years:
2021 – ($500 worth of material) plus workday
2022 – (Jubilee year - See other proposal)
2023 – ($500 worth of material) plus workday
2024 – ($500 worth of material) plus workday
2025 – ($500 worth of material) plus workday
2026 – ($500 worth of material) plus workday
Project Cost (over the 5 years) $2500
Jubilee year funding
That the Southland Tramping Club, for the 75th Jubilee, as an effort to help offset carbon credits provide (approx.) $3,500 for the purchase 500 native plants and combiguards (protectors) and that as part of our jubilee celebrations we spend an hour or so out there planting them.
Bluff Hill Motupōhue Environment Trust
STC has provided funding of $2500.00 to support their exciting new initiative - Te Korowai Whakahou Native Plant Nursery (TKW) – a community-based facility currently under construction. This facility is a place where native plant seedlings are raised, a place where our tamariki can come and learn about practical hands on conservation and habitat restoration. Potting up seedlings, watering, weeding and then planting saplings out in the environment.
All were approved at the 72nd AGM held on 14th October 2020
Life Members : Ann Irving - Shirley McMillan – Barry Smith - Robyn Smith - Carl Johnstone
Life Members in Memoriam : Peter Chandler – Roger McCurdy – Bob Scott - Arthur Williams - Cliff Broad