Taradale Rugby and Sports Club (TRSC) is a community based club which was founded in 1897 which has an extremely proud history. The Club provides an important and well-utilised sporting, social and leisure facility for both our senior and junior members and other Club supporters. TRSC is a not for profit organisation ably run by volunteers who are overseen by a Board of Management who provide strong governance and are responsible for the overall direction for the Club and it’s future. The Club is widely recognised within the local and wider community for providing a vital sporting and social link for people of all ages.
The club runs a Touch Rugby competition on Wednesday evenings for many social, business house and competitive teams. Most seasons see approximately 50 teams register to play (around 600 players). The club also runs a junior touch module on Friday night with 40 teams (around 400 children under 14 years of age). A primary school children’s T-Ball competition as well as the Taradale Senior Softball competitions are also held on our grounds.
The Club has:
- 4 x Senior Mens Rugby teams
- 1 x Senior Womens Rugby teams
- approximately 20x Junior Rugby teams (primary & intermediate school)
- 6 x competitive and social netball teams
- 1 x Golden Oldie Rugby team
Hawkes Bay Representative Sporting Teams use the club rooms and grounds for coaching clinics, trainings and games.
We also have international visiting teams training and using our facilities as well. The size and scope of our facilities are extremely attractive to these sides.
Our training and playing fields are top class and unique in the Hawkes Bay for Club Rugby. The structure of our playing fields enables extremely good drainage regardless of what the winter weather throws at us, this ensures our games are played every weekend and we often find other games being transferred to Carters Arms.
We have six fields (three of which are flood lit), nine changing sheds with separate men’s and women’s showers. We also have a separate referee’s changing room and shower. A gear shed and scoreboard is situated overlooking our four main grounds.
A permanent Softball diamond is also included within the park. We are able to offer a large flood lit parking area and a safe children’s play area with all the modern playing equipment. All of these areas and grounds are well managed and maintained by the Napier City Council.
Our clubrooms are also impressive, 605 square metre main function room with an excellent bar, a modern kitchen and restaurant, separate meeting or boardroom, and a three metre big screen. The size of our clubrooms enables us to provide a warm and safe environment for all club members, players or supporters to enjoy the activities during the course of the year.
The park neighbours both Taradale High School and Intermediate schools which often use the playing fields and the whole complex is easy walking distance from either the Pettigrew-Green Indoor Sporting Facility and the main Taradale shopping and commercial precinct.