Like all not for profit organisations TRSC works hard to raise, both internally and externally, the funds it requires to cover all operating costs. A vital portion of the external funds must be raised through sponsorship and/or donations. The facilities and equipment, used all year round, require continual funding for maintenance and upgrading in order for us to achieve a fundamental goal: - to provide our community with the best facility for social, cultural, sporting endeavours and other activities for the people and future generations of Taradale and the greater Hawke’s Bay region.
Please reciprocate with your business to those who support us.
Cape Physiotherapy
Isaacs Plumbing and Electrical
Isla Skin Therapies - Kellie & Doug Cushing
Tumu ITM
Equip Recruitment
New Zealand Uniforms
Darling Family Trust
Tracey Campbell Real Estate
Hawk - Tim & Paula Combs
Rooftech - Mark & Virginia Lawson
Greenmeadows New World - Iain Beaton
City Hire Centre - John & Annemarie Tickner
Build 100 - Harvey & Jodi Gardner
Process Signs - Lance & Marise Young
Wiseys Pies & Bakehouse - Paul & Nat Wise
Jeffares Plumbing Services - Elton & Nicky Jeffares
A1 Containers Limited - Willie & Heidi Dustin
Pak n Save Tamatea - Andrew Graney
Charman Motor Trimmers - Kimber Buglass