Waikato Region - Club Directory
Situated on State Highway 1, just south of the town. Natural terrain and free draining, the driest course in the Waikato in winter conditions.
Manager: Keith Vincent Email: manager@cambridgegolf.co.nzPresident: John Male Mob: 021 153 7733 Email: john.male@aquaviser.co.nz
Men’s Captain: Niven Powell Mob: 027 491 2345 Email: nivenpowell@gmail.com
Women’s Captain: Jill Morgan Mob: 027 327 2588 Email: jillngina@gmail.com
Junior Convenor: TBA Email: manager@cambridgegolf.co.nz
9 Hole Convenor: Roey Gluyas Mob: 027 314 6216 Email roeygluyas@gmail.com
Club House: PO Box 320, Cambridge Ph: 07 827 6381
Website: Click here E-mail: admin@cambridgegolf.co.nz
Subscriptions: Full $1035; Junior $220; Summer $ 295; 9 Hole $620;
Tertiary (19-23) $565; Intermediate (19-29) $620; Secondary $975; Junior Academy Training $220 per year.
Updated: 26/11/2024
Coromandel Golf Club is situated on the outskirts of the Heritage themed, Coromandel Town, a two & half hour drive from Auckland. Rated one of the Top 10 9-hole courses in New Zealand, this delightful course is set on two adjoining undulating country valleys that provide a picturesque & challenging setting for nine holes of golf.
The Club also owns the surrounding land on which it runs stock which contributes to the unique backdrop to this Golf Course. The course is wholly maintained by member volunteers who pride themselves on course presentation & providing a year round golfing facility. Comments such as a "hidden gem", "delightful course" & "picturesque setting" are often received to sum up a visitor's experience to a round of golf at the Coromandel Golf Club.
Ladies Day Tuesdays Tee Off 9.30am. Wednesday Midweek Men Tee Off 12.30pm, Last Wednesday of the Month Meat Pack Day. Saturday Club Day Tee Off 12.30pm. Visitors welcome to play on club days.
President: Peter Richardson Email: peter@coromandelelectrical.co.nz Mob: 027 488 0546
Men’s Captain: Richard Neal Email: richnfi@xtra.co.nz Mob: 027 388 7667
Secretary: Marilyn MacKenzie Email: coromandelgolfclub@gmail.com Mob: 027 253 7882
Ladies Club Captain: Lynne Fenwick Email: elsie1955@gmail.com Mob: 021 079 9349
Ladies Secretary: Marilyn MacKenzie Email: mackenzie.co@xtra.co.nz Mob: 027 253 7882
Handicapper: Eugene Weimer Email: weimereest@xtra.co.nz
Club House: PO Box 151, Coromandel, 3543 Ph: 027 866 8539 Website: www.sporty.co.nz/coromandelgolfclub E-mail: coromandelgolfclub@gmail.com
Subscriptions: Full: $490; First Year: $270; Junior: $40; Summer: $250; Country: $270; Social: $25;
Green Fees: 18 & 9 Holes $25: Juniors $4. No need to book - Just turn up and enjoy.
Updated: 11/03/2024
Hamilton Golf Club is based at St Andrews – an inner-city course steeped in history, beautifully maintained, every hole offering risk and reward. In recent years the course has been tweaked to improve playability and maintenance demands. Some of the famously feared bunkers have been reshaped or replaced with mown swales, some trees removed, and a few tees stretched back. But the course layout is essentially unchanged and continues to challenge golfers of all abilities. It is a buoyant, friendly club which welcomes all categories of membership and visitors.
Manager: Travis Gawler Mob: 027 476 9629 Email: manager@hamiltongolf.co.nz
Mens President: Peter Shergold Mob: 021 73911 Email: peteshergold@gmail.com
Womens President: Gay Shirley Mob: 021 2966463 Email: gay@gayshirley.co.nz
Mens Captain: Kim Eichmann Mob: 021 202 2545 Email: kceiche13@gmail.com
Women’s Captain: Debbie Dingwall Mob: 027 460 276 Email:d.dingwall@icloud.com
Womens Secretary: Linda Swetman Ph: 07 849 2069 Email: golf@hamiltongolf.co.nz
Junior Convenor: Travis Gawler Mob: 027 476 9629 Email: manager@hamiltongolf.co.nz
9 Hole Convenor: Joyce Brooks Mob: 027 277 7948 Email: joyce@jbca.co.nz
Club House: 64 St Andrews Terrace, St Andrews, Hamilton Ph: 07 849-2069
Pro Shop – Ph: 849 5088
Club Subscriptions: Full membership: $2,150, 9-hole membership:$1,200, Under 40: closed Under 35: $1,100, Under 25: $800, Flexi: $900, Pay as you play: $550 (Plus $40 Green fee each round)
Updated: 28/01/2025
Situated on the junction of SH 2 and SH27, the Hauraki Golf Course is 10km west of Ngatea and 84km from both Hamilton and Auckland. 18 holes with lushfairways, well maintained greens, a stream and lots of mature trees create anattractive course. Three caravan power points available on site.
President: Mike Karl Mob:0274 524 944 Email:karlfamily@xtra.co.nz
Men’s Captain: Scott Troughton Mob:021 962 217 Email:scottrought@gmail.com
Women's Captain: Alison Keane Mob:027 651 4840 Email: bakeane@xtra.co.nz
Secretary/Manager: James Shevlane Email:bookings@haurakigolf.co.nz Ph: 07 867 3197
Handicapper: James Shevlane Email:bookings@haurakigolf.co.nz Ph: 07 867 3197
Club House: PO Box 59, Ngatea Ph/Fax: 07 867 3197
Website: www.haurakigolf.co.nz E-mail: bookings@haurakigolf.co.nz
Subscriptions: Full Men $615, Women $585:Under 35 $415; 9 Hole $335; Country $415; Green Fees – 18 Holes; Non Affiliated $50, Affiliated $40; 9 Holes; $20 Affiliated; $25 Non Afflliated.
Golf Carts: Visitors Fees, 18 Holes $40, 9 Holes $25
Updated: 11/03/2024
Horsham Downs
North of Flagstaff – North East Hamilton, on the east bank of the Waikato River,
approx. 5 minutes from Flagstaff suburb, on River Road. This course has 9 holes
and 2 alternate greens.
President: Mark Poole Email:mark.poole@genesisenergy.co.nz Mob: 021 403964
Men’s Captain: Nathan Winders Email:nathanwinders@gmail.com Mob: 022 6942659
Women’s Captain: Jan Handerson Email: janhenderson987@icloud.com Mob: 027 326 7252
Manager: Brett Sanders Email: admin@horshamdownsgolf.co.nz
9 Hole Convenor: Dianne Cropp Email: cropprobert@yahoo.co.nz Mob: 027 370 6451
Club Postal: PO Box 12160, Chartwell, Hamilton, 3248 Ph: 07 829 4709
Website: Click here Email: admin@horshamdownsgolf.co.nz
Subscriptions: Full $600; 9 Hole $465; Summer $340; Junior 13-18yrs $230; Restricted Junior $100.
Updated: 04/02/2025
A challenging 9-hole course with tree-lined mown fairways, bunkers, grass and manicured greens. Food and bar facilities available. Visitors welcome. Twenty minutes from Hamilton on the Gordonton-Taupiri Rd.
President: Lance Smith Email: i sleburgh@xtra.co.nz Mob: 027 485 3218
Men's Captain: Neil McLean Email: hukanuigolf@xtra.co.nz Mob: 027 494 7865
Membership, Marketing & Events: Debbie Adgo 824-3784
Accounts: Billy Wilson Email: hukanuigolf@xtra.co.nz PH: 07 824 3784
Women's Captain: Leanne Karl Email: dvslea@gmail.com
Ladies Secretary:Lorraine Norton, Mob:027 844 3745 Email: nortonsbushmere.nz@xtra.co.nz
9 Hole Convenor: Liz Mitchell, Mob: 027 689 6197 Email: eabmitchell@xtra.co.nz
Course Superintendent: Callum Pearson Email: callumpearson1993@hotmail.com Mob: 027 373 2280
Club House : 1550 Gordonton Road, RD 1, Taupiri, 3791 Ph: 07 824 3784
Club E-mail: hukanuigolf@xtra.co.nz
Website: Click here Email: hukanuigolf@xtra.co.nz
Subscriptions : Full Renewal $520; New Full Members $420; 9 Hole Renewal $350; New 9 Hole $300; Midweek $415; Intermediate $240; Summer $280; Secondary $280; Juniors $85; Social $35
Updated: 12/01/2025
Situated 8km north of Huntly township on the west side of the river, past the Huntly Power Station. 18 holes of easy walking parkland, well grassed and manicured. Some bunkered greens and wide fairways. Excellent Clubrooms and facilities.
Club Manager: Graeme Tait Email: g.tait@xtra.co.nz Mob: 027 289 5940
President: Roger Ashton Email: roger.ashton@xtra.co.nz Mob: 027 673 2817
Club Captain: Kirsten Morland Email: Kirsten.morland@caters.co.nz Mob: 027 594 3858
Junior Convener: Rangi Morgan Email: trangimorgan@gmail.com Mob: 022 471 9634
Secretary: Peter Davie Ph: 07 828 4666 Email: usonmountain@gmail.com Mob:027 290 8722
Junior Convener: Ed (Buster) McKinnon Email: huntysensei@gmail.com Mob: 021353062
Treasurer: Ryan Foran Email: foranryan@hotmail.com Mob: 027 824 4722
Club House: PO Box 69, Huntly; 540 Te Ohaki Road RD1 Huntly 3771
Website: Click here Email: huntlygolf@xtra.co.nz Ph: 07 828 8305
Subscriptions: Full Member $600, New Member $450; Country/Second Club/Summer $330; Restricted/Young Adults $275; Juniors $200
Updated 21/03/2024
Situated west of Hamilton on the West Coast with glorious harbor views from 1
and 4 tees. A 9-hole course, with easy rolling contour and fenced greens.
President : Grant Scott, Mob: 029 278 5220 Email: g.scottfencing@gmail.com
Women's Club Captain : Cindy Mae Dearing Mob:0273 313 994 Email: ladiescaptain@kawhiagolfclub.co.nz or cindymeadearing@gmail.com
Men's Club Captain: Wayne Apati Mob: 021 221 8531 Email: menscaptain@kawhiagolfclub.co.nz
Secretary : Gaylene Cumpstone Mob: 021 873 156 Email: secretary@kawhiagolf.co.nz
Handicapper : Ian Froggatt, Ph: 07 872 2844 Email: kawhiagolf@gmail.com
Treasurer : Shelia Horn Email: treasurer@kawhiagolf.co.nz
Club House : PO Box 18 Kawhia Email: kawhiagolf@gmail.com
Subscriptions : Full: $190; Juniors: $25; Secondary Member $140; First Year Local $140; Associates $65
Updated 312/02/2025
Lakes Resort - Pauanui
Only 90 minutes travel from Auckland, Hamilton or Tauranga, nestled in a sun
drenched valley surrounded by natural wetlands is one of New Zealand’s premier
residential golfing resorts. Some of New Zealand’s foremost pros and amateurs
have played the course and rank it amongst the best in the country. An 18-hole
international golf course whose recreational facilities will include houses, villas,
swimming pools, tennis courts and a recreation centre.
Pro: Jared Pender Email: golf@lakesresort.com
Club House: Private Bag 1004, Pauanui 3546 Ph: 07 864 9999
Fax: 07 864 9309
Website: Click here E-mail: golf@lakesresort.com
Situated between township and Lake Maraetai, off Konini St. A flat to undulating
10-hole course with picturesque views of Lake Maraetai and surrounding forest.
Although a mainly open course, it still provides a good challenge.
President: Chris Berry Mob:021963038 Email:chrisberry120@gmail.com
Secretary: Anahera Pedersen, Mob:021877311 Email:anahpedersen@gmail.com
Club Captain: Rod Boreham Mob:027 676 8902 Email:rwboreham@gmail.com
Vice Club Captain: Andrew Munro Mob: 021 191 3706 Email:andrew.munro@police.govt.nz
Handicapper: David Brabender Mob: 027 324 9258
Club House: 4 Konini Street, Mangakino PH: 07 882 8075
Website: Click here E-mail: mangakino.golf@xtra.co.nz
Subscriptions: Full Playing; $330; Summer; $180; Full Playing Juniors $60; Associate Junior $30, Limited Member $100
Updated: 12/01/2025
A well-presented course maintained in park-like condition. Excellent all round condition is a feature. 8km from Matamata Town centre with splendid views of Kaimai Hills. An excellent golf course.
President: Lyall Wilson Mob: 0021 198 1152 Email: robinjoyce@gmail.com
General Manager: Dave Fabling Mob: 0274 815 607 Email: matamatagolf@gmail.com
Men’s Captain: Lyndon Johns Mob: 0210 233 1627 Email: mtmglasssecurity@gmail.com
Women’s Captain: Catherine Brown Mob: 027 667 7037 Email:catherine@ancroftstud.co.nz
Women’s Secretary: Pam Gillies Mob: 021 134 5175 Email: thegillies.nz@gmail.com
9 Hole Convener: Barbara Barnett, Mob: 021 063 2530 Email: barbarabarnett130@gmail.com
Club House: PO Box 37, Matamata Ph: 07 888 6109
Website: Click here E-mail: matamatagolf@gmail.com
Subscriptions: Senior $890; Junior $190; Summer $480; Limited Member $450
Updated: 13/02/2025
Mercury Bay
Situated 3km south of Whitianga on Golf Rd, off SH25, and close to the airport. Easy contour with attractive plantings and a wonderful bush backdrop. Individuals and groups are sure of a warm welcome. The Club prides itself on avery well presented course with excellent greens.
President: Graham Eccles Email: admin@mercurybaygolf.co.nz
Men’s Captain: Kevin Smith Email: admin@mercurybaygolf.co.nz
Women's Captain: Diane Eccles Email: admin@mercurybaygolf.co.nz
Manager: Jen Heaphy Ph: 07 866 5479 Email: admin@mercurybaygolf.co.nz
9 Hole Convener: Judy Hindrup Email: admin@mercurybaygolf.co.nz
Club House: PO Box 93, Whitianga Ph: 07 866 547912 Golf Road, Whitianga
Website: Click here E-mail: admin@mercurybaygolf.co.nz
Subscriptions: Full $830; 9 Hole $540; Junior under 18 $100; Junior 18-21 $140;Country Affiliated $575 Associate $250; Summer $500 (Daylight Saving Months)
Updated 212/02/2025
A highly varied course featuring mature trees, a gully, lake and numerous bunkers, A friendly atmosphere where visitors are always welcome. A challenge to all golfers.
President: Duncan Laird Mob:027 490 6563 duncanlaird@xtra.co.nz
Men's Captain: Paul Keogh Email: office@morrinsvillegolf.co.nz
Women’s Captain: Jennie Brown Email:jrfarms@xtra.co.nz
Women's Secretary:Gaye Johns Mob: 021 030 0892 Email: johnzys@xtra.co.nz
9 Hole Convener: : Pamela Laird Mob: 027 482 4778 Email:pamelalaird@xtra.co.nz
Club Administrator: Millie Ward Email:office@morrinsvillegolf.co.nz
Club House: 7 Links Road, Morrinsville 3340 Ph:07 889 6696
Website: Click here Email: office@morrinsvillegolfgolf.co.nz
*Subscriptions until 30 September 2023: Full $660; Junior $160; Summer $380; 9 Hole $376; Associate $342; College Student $120; Primary/Intermediate Student $95
*Subscriptions are subject to change next season beginning 01 October 2024
Updated 22/03/2024
A 9-hole country club with genuine country hospitality established over 90 years ago. Fully watered greens and fairways, mown fairways, mown rough, well bunkered and easy walking. Situated on Reid Rd, Ngahinapouri, 15 minutes South-West of Hamilton. Welcome to paradise.
President: Andrew Galbraith
Vice President : Matt Schoble
Secretary : Sanjay Weerasinghe
Treasurer : Steve Missen
Men's Captain: Russell Muir
Women's Captains : Rhondda Bruce, Email: poorigirlscc@gmail.com
Women's Club Secretary : Helen Powell Email: helen@2powells.nz
Junior Convenor : Martin Reid
9 Hole Convenor : Vicki Donderwinkel Email: jandvdondy@gmail.com Mob:027 347 3808
Vets Convenor: Colin Cowan
Patron: Ken Reid
Course Manager: Allan Kempthorne
Greenkeeper : Ian Matuschka
Bar Manager : Bruce Wood
Club House : 24 Reid Rd, Ngahinapouri Ph: 07 825 2760
Website : Click here Club Secretary E-mail: darkgolf@xtra.co.nz
Subscriptions : Full $515, Restricted $385, Summer $330 from 1st Oct '25 to 31st Match '26, 9 Hole $345, Junior $140, Junior Learner $85, Social $40.
Updated 13/02/2025
Well developed course that offers a challenging length, well defined rough, mature trees and excellent greens. Bunkers on sixteen fairways to add to the challenge.
President: Greg Bell Email: gregbell@xtra.co.nz Mob: 021 741 449
Vice President: Mo Neville Email: ngarabird@msn.com Mob: 021 341 328
Men’s Captain: Shaun Moran Email: moranshaun@xtra.co.nz Mob: 027-428-5594
Men's Vice Captain: Taylor Scott Email: taylor.scottnz@gmail.com Mob: 027 892 3364
Women’s Club Captain: Nicky Parker Email: theparkers200@gmail.com Mob: 027 329 9020
Women's Vice Captain: Robyn Pellow Email: robyn.pellow08@gmail.com Mob: 027 490 3107
Women’s Secretary: Rose Gray Email: ngaruawahiawomensgolf@gmail.com Mob: 021 180 3078
9 Hole Convenor: Crissy Grindlay Email: ngaruawahiawomensgolf@gmail.com
Golf Professional: Duncan Bennett Email: duncansproshop@yahoo.com Mob: 027 293 0264
Postal Address: PO Box 145, Ngaruawahia Ph: 07 824 8006
Website: Click here Email:office@golfwaikato.co.nz Phone: 07 824 8006
Subscriptions: Full Membership $1090; Summer $349; Under 35 $790; Full Membership (Age 26 – 35) $835; Full Membership (Age 19 – 25) $665; 9 Hole $665;Weekday $920; Sunday Only $565; Associate $455 + $15 per round, Pay as you Play $480.00 + $15 per round; Shift Worker $715
Summer 2024/2025 Membership Details: Click HERE
Resived 03/09/2024
Okoroire Golf Club, located across the road from the Okoroire Hot Springs Hotel, Somerville Rd, RD2 Tirau.
A well bunkered Golf Course owned by the Hotel and maintained by their paid staff member (with the exception of the putting greens, as well as general maintenance around the course, this task taken on by members of the Okoroire Golf Club).
A 9-hole par 70 Course with a rating of (as @ 20/03/2024) 62.8 and a slope of 93 for the Men and 66.2 and a slope of 108 for the Women.
The course may look easy, but looks can be deceiving as has been proven.
The Golf Club itself runs under its own entity and has done so for many years boasting a small but modest membership.
President : Owen Wilson
Secretary/Club Captain : Kahu McCaskill Email: animl@hotmail.co.nz Mob: (021)275-3765
Treasurer : Phil Boyte Email: boytefam@hotmail.com Mob: (021)253-3933
Vet Convenor : Peter McCabe Email: pmmccabe65@gmail.com Mob: (021)409-029
Handicapper : Basil Cody Email: kaz5.4now@gmail.com
Subscriptions : $300.00 (All Inquiries to the Secretary)
Updated 12/02/2025
Rotokohu (valley of the mist) course is set in a quiet and picturesque valley amid rolling hills. It’s pretty lakes, trees, streams and bush-clad backdrops make it a delight to be on and a pleasure to play. Location: from main street – over bridge to Te Aroha then first left – 5kms along Rotokohu Road. “Golf Carts for hire”.
President: Ted Benton Email: tedbenton9@gmail.com Mob: 027 694 2792
Men’s Captain: Colin Anderson Email: colin@kua2na.com Mob: 021 998 851
Secretary/Manager: Lyn Pullan Email: pullanslj@gmail.com Mob: 021 102 2498
Junior Convenor: Stefan Clive Email: clives01@yaho.co.nz Mob: 021 234 9866
Women’s Captain: Rosemary McNicol Email: rosemarymcnicol@gmail.com
Women’s Secretary: Frances Nicol Email: dogdocfran@paeroa.net.nz Mob: 021 876 869
Treasurer: Sandra Gillingham Email: ksgilly@xtra.co.nz
9 Hole Convener: Susan Donaldson Email:hughesdonfarm@gmail.com Mob: 022 109 8625
Club Postal Address: PO Box 152, Paeroa 3640 Ph: 07 862 7933
Website: Click here E-mail: golf@paeroagolf.co.nz
Subscriptions: Full Member $590; Associate/Country $275; Summer $200; Junior Member Primary/College $25/$50; Limited $340; 9 Hole: $340; New First Year; $340
Revised: 20/03/2024
Two Golf Courses are presently provided for Club members or green fee players, one being “The Pines” and the other “The Lakes”. Superb greens and immaculate fairway conditions are maintained throughout the year by out greens staff and automatic watering of all tees.
President: John Meinhold Email: johnmeinhold@gmail.com Mob: 027 321 0779
Manager: Kevin Flynn Ph: 07 864 8695 ext: 6 Email: manager@pauanuiclub.co.nz
Secretary: Roger Fulton Email Pauanuigolf@gmail.com Mob 021 611 774
Men's Club Captain: Doug Gooch Email: goochs1950@gmail.com Mob: 021 239 1995
Women’s Captain: Katren Heaven Email: heavenfarms@xtra.co.nz Mob: 027 391 8170
Women's Secretary: Wendy Fulton Email: eendyfulton33@gmail.com Mob: 021 285 1895
9 Hole Convenor: Janice van Kampen Email: robertandjanice@hotmail.com Mob: 027 490 7726
Club House:PO Box 65, Pauanui Ph: 07 864 8695 Website: Click here E-mail: pauanuigolf@gmail.com
Revised: 26/02/2023
Piopio Aria
Situated on SH3, approximately 20km south of Te Kuiti and 5km north of Piopio Township. Lush tree-lined mown fairways with well-maintained greens. An attractive easy walking course with some bunkered greens. Visitors are always welcome.
President: Hayden Cody Mob: 0272912852
Men’s Captain: Nate Lamb Email: nate.lamb@pggwrightson.co.nz Mob: 027 326 5187
Women’s Captain: Celeste Sattler Email: royandlasss@gmail.com Mob: 027 878 3394
Women’s Secretary: Sue Alcock Email: sue.roger@farmside.co.nz Mob: 021 238 2882
Handicapper: Celeste Sattler Email:royandlasss@gmail.com Mob: 027 878 3394
Club House: PO 48 Piopio, 1686 SH3 Piopio Ph: 07 877 8195 E-mail: piopiogolfclub@gmail.com
Subscriptions: Single: $400, Double $720, Summer: $260, Limited $200; Junior $40, First Year $220. Under 20 $200
Last Revised 13/05/2024
A green fee player’s dream, Pirongia Golf Course is situated on the townships northern boundary on SH39, 11km west of Te Awamutu, and 30km south of Hamilton. Avoid the crowds and enjoy 18 easy walking holes, full mown and immaculately presented. With only 5 bunkers, golf can be enjoyed amongst beautiful trees and a backdrop provided by the Mt. Pirongia Forest Park. If the clubhouse is closed, refreshments are available in the township. We are a country club with a warm welcome.
Website: Click here E-mail: pirongiagolfclub@xtra.co.nz
President: Stephen Halliwell Email: pirongiagolfclub@xtra.co.nz Mob: 021 450 148 Txt only
Men’s Captain: Lance Dean Email: grassbusterss@gmail.com Mob: 027 655 5035
Women’s Captain: Lynda Morgan Email: grantandlynda@gmail.com Mob: 021 230 9486
Membership: Steve Law Email: pirongiagolfclub@xtra.co.nz Mob: 027 525 9734
Junior Convenor: Neil Florence Email: wktua2p@hotmail.com Mob: 027 316 9857
Secretary Don Matson Email: pirongiagolfclub@xtra.co.nz Mob: 027 494 2606
Club House: PO Box 34005, Pirongia 3844 Ph: 07 871 9640 (unmanned)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pirongiagolfclub
Subscriptions 2024: Full $550; Full Student (18-21) $285, Full Student (Under 18) $130, Limited (all year) $325; Summer $275; 9 hole $355; Limited Junior $65; New to Golf $410.
Revised 07 30 24
Situated on the corner of Purangi Road and Hepburn Road, Whenuakite, the course is close to Hahei Beach, Cooks Beach and Hot Water Beach. A nine hole full length course in picturesque rural setting with undulating fairways and natural hazards.
The course is not staffed except for 2 - 3 weeks from 26 December and over Easter. At all other times please use the honesty box system using cash (correct amount) or phone banking. Clubs and trundlers are available for hire at all times.
President: Alistair Sims
Secretary: Meryll Hawke
Treasurer: Geoff Dalzell
Club Competition Days - All mixed - for men and women.
9 Holes - Tuesday and Thursday 9.15 for 9.30 tee off
18 Holes - Saturday 11.45 for 12.00 tee off
Club House: 6 Hepburn Rd, R D 1, Whitianga 3591
Website: https://www.purangigolf.nz/ E-mail: purangi.golf@xtra.co.nz
Subscriptions: $160 for the First Year. Please email for full details.
REVISED: 20 05 2024
A beautiful golf course with immaculately groomed fairways and greens with spectacular views of the countryside. The course is well sheltered, easy contour and is playable in all weathers being on free draining land. Easy walking and great country views. Situated 3km west of Putaruru on back Lichfield Road.
President: Chris McKillop Email: c.mckillop@laserelectrical.co.nz Mob: 027 495 9233
Men’s Captain: Vic O’Rourke Email: orookievw@xtra.co.nz Mob: 027 884 4986
Women’s Captain: Denise Hunt Email: denise.r.hunt@xtra.co.nz Ph: 07 883 3273
Secretary: Barbara Barr Email: barbieb1260@xtra.co.nz Ph: Mob: 027 335 3632
Women’s Secretary: Alison Riley Email: alsionriley@xtra.co.nz Ph: 883 3378
9 Hole Convenor: Helen Putt Email: k.putt@xtra.co.nz Ph: 07 883 7917
Club Postal: PO Box 109, Putaruru, 3443 Ph: 07 883 8231
Website: Click here E-mail: putarurugolfclub@xtra.co.nz
Subscriptions: Full Playing $720, Full Playing First Year $360, Associate $560, Junior 19-23 years $300, Junior Under 18 years $100, Summer $270, 9 Hole $495.
Revised: 27/05/2024
Hillside course with magnificent views of Raglan Harbour and Mt Karioi. Challenging course with subtle differences on every hole. Cool breezes in the summer. Visitors always welcome.
Club Manager: Julian Pujante-Doom Email: raglangc@gmail.com Mob: 027 593 4676
President: Mike Goodison Email: mikegoodisongolf@gmail.com Mob: 021 062 3176
Vice President: Dan Hakes Email: lbaker@trt.co.nzlbaker@trt.co.nz Mob: 022 465 0223
Men’s Captain: Dave Armory Email: dave.a@valueiqs.com Mob: 027 477 3200
Men's Co-Captain: Charlie Young Email: cmy58@hotmail.com Mob: 021 175 8644
Men's Co-Captain: Glenn Rangitonga Email: glenn.rangitonga@gmail.com
Women's Captain: Roseanne Taiapa Email: rose.taiapa@gmail.com Mob: 021 108 0261
Secretary: Elaine Hyland Email: raggolfsecretary@gmail.com Mob: 027 247 6933
Treasure: Kay Fong Email: raggolftreas86@gmail.com Mob: 022 428 8600
Course Convenor: Gordon Jowsey Email: jowsey@xtra.co.nz Mob: 027 593 4676
Club Postal: PO Box 156, Raglan Ph: 07 825 8384 E-mail: raglangc@gmail.com
Club Physical Address: 77 Te Hutewai Rd., Raglan
Subscriptions: Full Member: $540, Junior: $90, Summer: $300, 9 Hole: $380, Secondary: $380
Revised 28/01/2025
Stewart Alexander
Established in 1971, the Club is situated 6kms southwest of Te Awamutu at 106 Budden Road off Pokuru Road. The course has 6 bunkers,6 par threes, excellent greens and a course recorded of 65. Visitors are always welcome. Maturing trees, groomed fairways and superb greens make the course appealing all year round to golfers of all handicaps.
Manager: Mike Herbert Mob: 027 577 2489 Email: mtbottles@xtra.co.nz OR Email: stew.alex.golf@gmail.com
President: Janine Manukau Mob: 027 307 2554 Email: presidentstewartalexander@gmail.com
Men’s Captain: Patrick Hape Mob: 021 121 2803 Email: trhups@hotmail.co.nz
Men's Vice Captain: Keenan Berge Mob: 027 3453583 Email: keenan.steph@yahoo.co.nz
Women’s Captain: Cheryl Forster Mob:027 427 6533 Email: sc.forster@xtra.co.nz
Women's Vice Captain: To be Elected
Women’s Secretary: Lynne Fookes Mob: 027 200 7229 Email: tim2lynne@gmail.com
9 Hole Convenor: To be Advised
Club House: PO Box 372, Te Awamutu 3840 Ph/Fax: 07 871 7907106 Budden Road, Pokuru
Website: Click here E-mail: stew.alex.golf@gmail.com
Subscriptions: Full $720; 9-hole $375; Junior $95; Summer $370; Secondary $265; New Member $495; 2 Year Full New Member $1040; Casual $265
Revised 20/05/2024
Tahuna is situated 18kms from Morrinsville on the Morrinsville-Tahuna Rd. Sheep
are contained on the course, greens are all fenced. Plenty of variety.
President: Paul Radovancich Email: raddlys@gmail.com Mob: 0273571563
Men’s Captain: Pat Gleeson Email: tahunamensgolf@gmail.com Mob: 0211473722
Women’s Captain: Jo Pritchard Email: tahunawomensgolf@gmail.com Mob: 0276694486
Secretary: Kayla Storey Email: tahunagolfclub@gmail.com Mob: 027 698 6900
Women’s Secretary: Tracy Overdevest Email: tracey.tahunagolf@gmail.com
Handicapper: Diane Radovancich
Club Address: 287 Thames Street, Morrinsville 3300 Ph: 07 887 5861
Website: Click HERE E-mail: tahunagolfclub@gmail.com
Subscriptions: Full: $390; Limited: $260; Junior Limited: $65; Junior: $130; 9 Hole: $210
Revised: 15/05/2024
Tairua Country Club is situated 500m north of Tairua town centre on the beautiful Coromandel Peninsula. This gently undulating course is easy walking on mown fairways and well-maintained greens. The course has a picturesque setting with lovely bush and water views.
President: Ken Edwards Email: kennytd@gmail.com Mob: 021 286 3580
Administration Manager: Fee Murphy Email: info@tairuagolf.co.nz
Men’s Captain: Riki Tawa Email: rikirautawa@fireandemergency.nz Mob: 027 919 0572
Women’s Captain: Jan Stanley Email: info@tairuagolf.co.nz
9 Hole Convener: Jill Shanley Email: jillandron@xtra.co.nz
Golf Croquet Captain: Michelle McLean Email: rick-mclean@xtra.co.nz Mob: 027 290 1507
Club House: 283 Main Road, Tairua 3508 Ph: 07 864 8416
Website: Click here Email: info@tairuagolf.co.nz
Subscriptions: Full $705: Restricted $518: Junior $60: First Year $475: Secondary Member $457: Seasonal Golf $400
Revised: 19/12/2024
Tarrangower Course Taumarunui – Situated in Golf Rd, on the north side of town. An attractive all weather course featuring 18 holes of undulating tree lined fairways, leading to well guarded target greens. Play the lie is the order of the day.
President: Ken Bullians Email: bullians@xtra.co.nz
Men’s Captain: Paul McConnell Email: otoporky@gmail.com Mob: 0274 972 014
Secretary: Julie Reynolds Email: taumarunuigolfclub@xtra.co.nz Ph: 07 896 7257
Women’s Captain: Sue Rennie Email: rennie.s@xtra.co.nz
Women’s Secretary: Lynne Bacon Email: lynnebacon7777@gmail.com
Handicapper: Sue Rennie Ph: 07 896 6176 Email: rennie.s@xtra.co.nz
Junior Convenor: Laal Bhullar Email: laalbhullar@xtra.co.nz Ph: 07 896 7310
Club House: 165 Golf Road, Taumarunui Ph: 07 896 7257
Website: Click here E-mail: taumarunuigolfclub@xtra.co.nz
Subscriptions: Full $675; Restricted $545; Junior $220; Summer $235; Student $60; Country $245; 9 Hole $400; First Year $315
Revised 23/05/2024
Te Akau
Situated at the Te Akau/Waingaro Sports Complex, 40km west of Ngaruawahia. This 9-hole, professionally designed country course is both friendly and surprisingly testing. The stock grazed fairways provide great interest and challenge for the golfer on this easy walking course.
President: Rob Horsley - tennille.rob.horsley@gmail.com
Men’s Captain: Hayden Brooks hsbrooks@outlook.co.nz
Secretary: Jenny Jackson - jenny.sharp@xtra.co.nz
Handicapper: Tony Smith Email: smithy@farmside.co.nz Ph: 07 825 4464
Club House: C/- R Horsley 330 Waikorea Valley Rd, R D 2 Ngaruawahia
Email: jenny.sharp@xtra.co.nz Ph/Fax: 07 825 4820
Subscriptions: Full $110
Revised: 03/02/2023
Te Aroha
A delightful picturesque 18-hole course just north of the township on the main Te Aroha-Paeroa Highway (SH26) with Mt. Te Aroha as a backdrop. Well maintained greens along with a variety of mature trees and a meandering creek add to the challenge of the course.
President: Mike Priest Email: mike.priest@fonterra.com Mob: 027 495 8999
Men’s Captain: John Buckton Email: tagc.captain@gmail.com
Secretary/Manager: Karen Mold Email: swiftaskenadaad@clear.net.nz Mob: 027 329 8277
Women’s Secretary: Ruth Waugh Email: thewaughs@xtra.co.nz Mob: 021 535 553
Handicapper: Peter Elgar Email: dapelgar@gmail.com Mob: 027 285 0817
Club House: PO Box 76, Te Aroha Ph: 07 884 8510
Website: Click here E-mail: teagolfclub@gmail.com
Subscriptions: Full $520; Limited $322; 9 Hole $332; Country $150;Junior $ various; Summer Oct to Feb $50 Month; Associated $166; Social Non Playing $25
Revised: 31/01/2025
Te Awamutu
Situated 2km south of Te Awamutu on SH 3, this 18 hole course is renowned for its mature tree lined fairways and quality greens. The course is easy walking and an enjoyable challenge.
President: Gordon Kirkham Email: lgkirkham@xtra.co.nz Mob: 027 499 2995
Men's Club Captain: David Ferguson Email: djrferguson60@gmail.com
Secretary/Manager: Mary Wano Email: info@teawamutugolf.co.nz Ph: 07 871 5661
Women’s Captain: Margaret Ritchie Email: johnmargritchie@gmail.com
Women's Secretary: Glennis Kay Email: bwgkay@xtra.co.nz
Junior Convenor: Jenny Towers Email: stutowers@xtra.co.nz
9 Hole Convenor: Ann Dobson Email: anndobson45@outlook.com Mob: 027 498 4521
Club House: PO Box 77 Te Awamutu Ph: 07 871 5661
Website: Click here E-mail: info@teawamutugolf.co.nz
Club Subscriptions: Full $690; Summer $300; 9 Hole $520; Social $70; Secondary member $470 ; Full member 80+ $470
Updated: 10/12/2024
Te Kowhai is a 9-hole course with mown fairways and excellent greens. Situated next to Whatawhata township, corner of Store Rd and School Rd. A friendly club, all welcome any day including Club Day – Sunday.
President: Paul Membery Mob: 027 292 3022
Vice President: Steve Crook
Men’s Captain: Campbell Till Mob: 021 354 966 Email: cammy_is_hungry@hotmail.com
Secretary: Joy Ormsby Email: ormsbyjoy@yahoo.co.nz
Handicapper: Campbell Till Mob: 021 354 966 Email: cammy_is_hungry@hotmail.com
Club House: PO Box 36, Whatawhata Ph: 07 829 8703 E-mail: tekowhaigolf@gmail.com
Revised 08/03/2023
Thames Golf Club – Situated on SH26 about 6kms from Thames on the Paeroa side of Kopu. An attractive 18-hole course featuring flat, tree-lined fairways interwoven with fairways on more challenging terrain. Fully stocked golf shop. Hire clubs & trundlers available.
President: Mike Jeffcoat Email: thamesgolfclubpresident@gmail.com Mob: 021 402 542
Men's Captain: Tim James Email: timmareejames@gmail.com Mob: 021 358 838
Women’s Captain: Melanie Shea Email: thamesgolfclubtreasurer@gmail.com Mob: 027 291 3292
Club Administrator: Melody Richards Email: thamesgolfclubsecretary@gmail.com Mob: 021 877 444
Club House: PO Box 179, Thames Ph: 07 868 9062
Website: Click here E-mail: thamesgolf@orcon.net.nz
Subscriptions: Full $750; 9 Hole $535; Summer (Oct/Mar) $460; Associate: $345; Primary $50; Secondary School $85; Under 23 $240; New or returning golfers (after 2+years) 50% first year
Revised: 03/02/2025
The Golf Resort Matarangi is the jewel in the crown of the Coromandel Peninsula and this amazing world class golf links quite literally takes the breath away. Initially designed by Bob Charles, the links borders 4.5kms of beautiful sandy beaches as well as the pristine Whangapoua Harbour. The settings and the course must be seen to be believed and with the accompanying wildlife and anextremely testing golf course, The Dunes Golf Resort Matarangi is a must stop for any New Zealand golfing experience. Omara’s Restaurant and Bar adjacent to the course can cater for any of your requirements either large or small.
Club House: Matarangi Drive, Matarangi, R D 2 Ph: 07 866 5394 Whitianga 2856 Fax: 07 866 2852
General Manager: Troy Leather Mobile: 027 538 3602
Website: Click hereE-mail: proshop@thedunesmatarangi.co.nz
Updated: 15/07/2024
Tieke Golf Estate
Along the banks of the mighty Waikato River is New Zealand’s latest golf experience. The new Tieke Golf Estate is a truly unique championship course that has been built using the natural river sand which is a real feature of the construction. It truly is a sandy riverbed masterpiece and there is nothing else like it in New Zealand.
General Manager: Scott Meiklejohn Email Address: scott@tiekegolf.co.nz Office Phone: 07 843 6287 Mob: 027 205 7722
Director of Golf: Richard Ellis Email: richard@tiekegolf.co.nz Office Phone: 07 843 6287 Mob: 021 989 996
Head Golf Professional: Reon Sayer Email: reon@tiekegolf.co.nz Office Phone: 07 843 6287 Mob: 021 984044
President: Peter Claringbold Email/Phone via office 07 843 6287
Club Captain: John Bridle Email: john.bridle@xtra.co.nz Mob: 027 450 2323
Women’s Convenor: Julie Gee Email: julie.gee@xtra.co.nz
9 Hole Convener: Jan Bishell Email: janbishell@gmail.com Mob: 027 555 6809
Club House: PO Box 11100, Hillcrest, Hamilton Ph: 07 843 6287
Website: Click here E-mail: info@tiekegolf.co.nz
Subscriptions: PLEASE CONTACT THE TEAM AT Tieke Golf Estate
Updated 29/05/2024
Situated on State Highway 1, just south of the town. Natural terrain and free draining, the driest course in the Waikato in winter conditions.
President: James White Mob: 027 497 0208
Club Captain: Kevin Wallace Mob:027 244 7018
Secretary: Mark Enevoldsen Mob: 027 590 1435 Email: sledge-kathy@xtra.co.nz
Ladies Contact: Ellie Dobbs Mob: 027 586 8983
Club House: PO Box 30 Tirau Ph: 07 883 1423 Email:tirau@tiraugolf.co.nz
Subscriptions: Full;$560.00, 9-hole;$315.00, First Year Player;(new golfer)$415.00 Associate;$340.00, Limited;(non-championship)$365.00, Junior Full Playing;(under 18) $140.00, Junior; $50.00
Revised: 29/01/2025
The course is set in tranquil park-like surroundings with mature tree-lined fairways and well-maintained greens. This is an undulating course with a spacious Clubhouse that offers every facility to the visitor. Situated on SH 1, 1.7km south of Tokoroa. Tokoroa’s pumice based quick drying course means that its playable 365 days a year. Golf carts for hire.
President: Hamilton Sheck Email: ham@sllim.co.nz Mob:021 171 1722
Men’s Captain: Darin Costar Email: admin@toksports.co.nz Mob: 027 295 4080
Women’s Captain: Jeanette Snee Email: tokoroaladiesgolf@gmail.com Mob: 027 544 0717
Women's President: Debbie Hayes-Lennon Email: debandstevelennon@outlook.com Mob:027 243 7372
Club House: PO Box 175 Tokoroa 3444 Ph:07 886 5689
Website: Click HERE E-mail: tokoroagolfclub@xtra.co.nz
Subscriptions: Full $597; Associate $467; Junior $80; Country $210; Summer $350: First Time New Member $497; 9-Hole $320; Special Junior $210.
Updated: 25/01/2024
The hidden gem of Waikato Golf Courses. Situate 5kms off Highway 27 through the Walton village or 45kms from Hamilton through Scotsman Valley. An easy walking course, few bunkers, well planted with attractive trees, well defined groomed fairways, and the greens are fully irrigated. A friendly atmosphere in our spacious Clubhouse. Considered one of the must play courses in the Waikato.
President: Diane Sweeney Email: diannesweeney@hotmail.co.nz
Vice Captain: Grant Wills Mob: 027 484 2228
Club Manager/Secretary: Keith Vincent Mob:0273095217
Men’s Captain: Peter Davidson Email:peter.wendydavidson@xtra.co.nz
Women’s Captain: Karen Sweeney
9 Hole Convenor: Hannah Sutherland Email: mathanfarm@xtra.co.nz
Junior Convenor: Diane Sweeney Email: diannesweeney@hotmail.co.nz
Tournaments Convenor: Gay Pickett Mob: 021 268 8358
Course Superintendent: Terry Harris Mob: 027-201-1763 Email waltongolf@outlook.com
Club House: PO Box 78, Matamata Ph: 07 888 3731
Website: Click here E-mail: waltongolf@outlook.com
Subscriptions: Full $520 ; 9 Hole $320 ; New Golfer $320 ; Summer $270 ; Limited $410 ;
Associate $270 ; Intermediate 19-23 $370 ; University $170 ; Junior Under 18 $110 ; Secondary School $70; Primary School $ 40
Updated: 23/10/2024
Waiterimu is situated 10km east of Ohinewai off SH1 north of Huntly. It is a 9-hole country course with a challenging layout, excellent clubhouse facilities and members take special pride in the big, well presented greens.
President: Grant Johnston Email: gajohnston63@gmail.com
Men’s Club Captain: Graeme O’Connor Email: graemeo@williamgill.co.nz
Women’s Club Captain: Sharryn Hazelwood Email: sharrynhazelwood@gmail.com
Handicapper- Women's: Liz McKie
Handicapper- Men's: Paul Heath Email: pgheath@xtra.co.nz
Junior Convenor: Eileen Bateup Email: bateupn@xtra.co.nz
Club House: 628 Storey Road, Waiterimu
Club Email: admin@waiterimugolf.kiwi Ph: 07 828 5805
Subscriptions: Full $250; Limited $120; Junior $40; Summer $100; Social $10
Updated: 16/04/2024
Waitomo is situated on SH3, 5kms south of Otorohanga, 15kms north of Te Kuiti and 10kms from the Waitomo Caves. This very attractive 18-hole course is renowned for the wide range of beautiful trees and shrubs that line its fairways.
President: Steve Wilshier Email: steve@otctimber.co.nz Mob: 027 270 8186
Men’s Captain: Murray Jones Email: murrray@otctimber.co.nz Mob: 027 229 8437
Secretary: Margaret Wereta Mob: 027 235 8241 Email: waitomogolf@outlook.co.nz
Women’s Captain: Heather Gifkins Email: heatherg57@xtra.co.nz Mob: 027 454 8711
Handicapper: Pam Johnston Email: pamjohnston@xtra.co.nz Mob: 021 025 24572
Junior Convenor: Dede Downs Email ddbdowns@gmail.com Mob: 027 485 3692
9 Hole Convenor: Lois Smith Email: loissmith@xtra.co.nz Mob: 021 207 3339
Physical Address: 68 Golf Road, RD 7, Otorohanga
Postal address: C/- 21 Glendon Place, Otorohanga 3900
Website: Click here E-mail: waitomogolf@outlook.co.nz
Subscriptions: Full $650; 1st year $300; Associate $280; Summer $200; 9 Hole $370;
9 Hole 1st year $250; Veteran (80+) $525; Non Resident $370; 18-21 $250; 22-30 $450
Revised 01/03/2023
The Club, situated in the village township of Te Kauwhata, is less than one hours drive from Auckland and Hamilton. It is a picturesque 18-hole course with mature trees, native shrubbery and pond area. Development work started on the course in 1930 and it now has a course length of 5182 metres. The course is rolling to flat, with narrow, tree lined fairways.
President:Tim Searle Email: timsearle1860@gmail.com
Men’s Captain:Nels Lolesi Email: nellslolesi@xtra.co.nz
Ladies Captain:Gemma Periam Email: gemmaperiam@gmail.com
Ladies Vice Captain: Jan Dawson Email: keithdawson@xtra.co.nz
Club Contact: Sharleen Fah Email: waikaregolf@xtra.co.nz
9 Hole Convenor: Glennis Fredricson Email: ngfredricson@xtra.co.nz
Club House: PO Box 41 Te Kauwhata Ph: 07 826 3574
Website: Click here E-mail: waikaregolf@xtra.co.nz;
Subscriptions: Full $860: Restricted with HCP $650 without HCP $600: 9 Hole $605:
Junior $85: Tertiary Student $150: Social $10: Secondary Membership $385.
Updated 29/03/2023
The Whangamata Golf Club has two excellent courses. The Williamson 9-hole in Achilles Ave is an all-weather course, ideally suited for the casual and learner golfers. The Titoki 18-hole on SH25 Waihi Rd is a magnificently groomed and challenging course for the experienced golfer. Titoki has modern clubrooms with bar and restaurant facilities suitable for tour parties, conferences and weddings.Titoki also has a well-stocked golf shop. Hire clubs and trundlers are available at both courses. During the summer months and long weekends, bookings are essential.
President: Sally Hobbs Email: sahobbs5@gmail.com Mob: 021 565 975
Men's Captain:Garry Kemp Email: gkemp69@gmail.com Mob: 027 769 6988
VETS Captain: Colin Fairweather Email: fairweathernz@gmail.com Mob: 021 083 93270
Women’s 18-Hole Captain: Sam Burger Email: bewell@sambur.co.nz Mob: 021 138 1127
Ladies 9-Hole Captain: Margaret Tebbutt Email: matebbutt@gmail.com Mob: 021 254 0586
Head of Golf: Josh Alderton Email: proshop@whangagolf.co.nz
Club Postal: PO Box 146, Whangamata Ph: 07 865 8479
Website: Click here Email: proshop@whangagolf.co.nz
Subscriptions: Full Playing $1150, Full Playing Secondary $1075, 9-Hole $820, Junior under 19 $140, 19-25 $360, 26-40 $950, Country $750, Country Affiliated $800, Flexi Seasonal $775
Updated: 28/01/2025
Situated 5km south of Waihi township, just off State Highway 2 and is well sign posted. This attractive, immaculately groomed course is extremely challenging and features well-presented large undulating greens. An all-weather course with excellent drainage, mature tree-lined fairways and controlled rough. At the back of the course there are panoramic views of the Kaimai Range and the Waihi district. Waihi Golf Club is the best kept secret in the Coromandel and Bay of Plenty area and is a must see for serious golfers.
President: Carol Leary Email: tktboo21@gmail.com Mob: 027 620 7779
Men’s Captain: Andy Roche Email: andyroche54@gmail.com Mob: 027 432 6606
Women's Secretary: Desley Rosevea Email: desley57@hotmail.com
Women’s Captain: Heather White Email: heather76a@yahoo.com Mob: 022 655 8943
Manager: David Campbell Ph: 07 863 8678 Email: waihi@golf.co.nz Mob: 021 638 347
Club Postal: 113 Woodlands Rd, R D 2, Waihi, 3682 Ph: 07 863 8678
Website: Click here E-mail: waihi@golf.co.nz
Subscriptions: Full: $740; Junior: $135; Summer: $435; 9 Hole: $490; Country: $420;
Intermediate & Full Time Student: $245
Waikato Golf Association | Home | About | Contact | Facebook
Waikato Golf Association, 64 St Andrews Terrace, Hamilton 3200 | PO Box 908, Hamilton 3240
Phone: (07) 849 1328