Please note that the Badminton Hall is part of a multisport facility and at times will be used for other sports or activities.

The Badminton Hall is available 24/7 of available time for a per court use for casual play.  Rackets and shuttles are available for use.

Usage is available to anyone who wishes to enjoy a game of badminton.

There is to be no playing on unlit courts - to do so is theft.

Booking and payment is made through an online system - click on the Book a Court button on the homepage and this will take you to the Badminton Whanganui venue on the Pay2Play booking site. If this hasn't brought you to the specific Badminton Whanganui site then scroll through the list of venues to find our site.

Choose your time and follow the instructions to make your booking and payment. Time slots are in 20 minute intervals and cost $5.60 per interval. When you have completed your booking an email will be sent to you informing you of your door access code for the keypad to unlock the entry door.

When you arrive at the hall, insert your number:

     Press Hash key - your number - Hash key.     (On the first push of the Hash key wait until the keypad noise has finished).

  On successful number entry a little green light at the top of the keypad will pulse and you will hear the door lock     click. Immediately push the door handle down and pull the door open (you have around 5 seconds before it will lock   again).

The court lights will come on at the start time of your booking and will turn off at the finish time.

We suggest that you turn on the hall pilot light (the switch is located behind court 3 by the power control boxes) so that you are not plunged into darkness when your lights turn off at the finish time.

When you have finished, and are the last to leave,  please ensure that all the doors are locked. Doors to check are: toilet door, fire exit doors and the exit door (none of these doors require a key to lock).