Archery is a family sport that can be enjoyed by young and old, male and female. Field archery offers a wide range of shooting styles and classes, enabling all to take part.
The Whitford Forrest Archery club encourages participation in all disciplines of the sport of archery. Whilst the club itself specialises in field archery, it also supports those that wish to take part in other disciplines such as target archery. The club has several family groups that shoot covering a range of divisions ranging from cub, junior, senior and veteran shooters.
The club has a field course comprising 14 targets as well as a 20 target unmarked distance animal course for those that wish to experience more of a hunting style of shooting. The club holds regular shoots on Sundays with the main gate being unlocked at 8 30am. Shooting begins at 10am with practice being allowed on the practice range before hand. The Whitford Forrest Archery Club also has a group of NZFAA trained coaches to help both beginning archers and also our more experienced archers.
The club is overseen by a committee that is elected every year by the club members.