Drug Free Information

If you are on medication or need to check a supplement out, you should contact Drug Free NZ before taking it. Check it before you try it, don't get caught out.

Information on their contact details are below:

You can check a medication, supplement at the website:Click Here

Text check a medicine name or ingredient to 4365

Phone them on: 0800DRUGFREE (378437)

The primary purpose of the hotline is to provide the sports community with fast/free access to Drug Free Sport NZ. The service is available during normal working hours and outside of office hours you can choose to be transferred to an on call staff member or leave a message to be returned the next business day.

The service is available from within New Zealand only. If athletes or support staff require guidance regarding the status of medications and methods of administration, testing procedures or TUE applications they can call this free 0800 number and a DFSNZ staff member will assist them.

Note: Supplements are taken at an athlete's own risk and DFSNZ will always notify the athlete that this is the case.

When a query is made regarding the status of a medication, DFSNZ offers the option of receiving a reference number to the query and further guidance via an email sent to an address of your choice.