1 Name
(‘the Association’)
2 Objectives
3 Registered Office
The registered office of the Association shall be situated at the residential address of the Secretary or such other place or places as the Association shall from time to time determine.
4 Members
Membership policies are:
5 Life Members
At any Annual General Meeting of the Association, a life member or members may be elected in recognition of any distinguished service he or she may have rendered to archery within the Association.
Nominations in writing must be proposed by two officers of the Association representing separate clubs, and must be sent to the Secretary at least thirty (30) clear days before the Annual General Meeting.
Life members shall receive notice of all meetings of the Association and may attend, speak upon and vote on all matters brought forward.
6 Cessation of Membership
Any member shall cease being a member.
7 Expulsion of Members
The committee may, by letter, invite any member to retire from membership for breach by him or her of these rules, and unless a suitable appeal in writing is lodged with the Committee within twenty-one (21) days following receipt of the letter, that member shall cease to be a member.
If an appeal in writing is received by the Committee within the time specified, the Committee shall appoint five (5) senior members of the Association to a Jury of Appeal to hear such appeal at a time and place to be determined by the Committee and the decision of that Jury of Appeal shall be binding on the applicant and the Association and will be final.
8 Annual Subscriptions
The annual subscription to the Association shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting of the Association by a majority vote of senior members attending, and subscription to take effect from the 1st day of October in the year following.
Each member may affiliate to the Association and, through their Club Secretary, pay to the Association, an annual fee.
9 Alteration of Constitution
These Rules may be amended, added to, rescinded or otherwise varied or amended by a resolution passed by a simple majority of those present at a general meeting of which fourteen (14) days’ notice has been given and confirmed at a subsequent general meeting held not more than three (3) calendar months nor less than fourteen (14) days thereafter by a simple majority of those present.
Every such notice shall set forth the purport of the proposed alteration, addition, rescission, variation or amendment and may be given by posting the same to the Secretary of each club within the Association.
Shooting rules of the Association may be changed at any time with the total agreement of the executive committee.
10 Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting shall be held in October of each year, at the place of, and during the period of, the Annual District Championships for the following purposes:
11 Executive Committee
The affairs and business of the Association shall be controlled and managed by an Executive Committee (‘herein referred to as “The Committee”) consisting of:
The officers shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting of the Association.
If any vacancy shall occur within the Committee before the next Annual General Meeting, the Committee shall fill such vacancy in the interim.
The Committee shall meet at times and places as shall from time to time be determined by the President and at all such meetings the Committee shall determine its own procedure.
It shall be the duty of the Committee generally to conduct the affairs of the Association, to collect all subscriptions and keep usual and proper books of account properly posted up and other records of the business of the Association and to prepare and submit to the Annual General Meeting a report, balance sheet and statement of accounts for the preceding year.
12 General Meetings
General Meetings of the Association may be called by the Secretary on the request of the majority of the Committee or upon application by the majority of the senior members of any one Club.
Notice of, and the reason for, the General Meeting of the Association shall be given to the members by the Secretary at least fourteen (14) clear days before such meeting by notice posted to the Secretary of each Club.
Ten (10) senior members shall form a quorum from amongst members of three Clubs within the Association.
The meeting shall be conducted by the President, or appointed Chairperson, in accordance with the commonly accepted rules for the conduct of meetings as practiced in New Zealand.
Each senior member present shall be entitled to one vote and the Chairperson may have a casting vote. The Chairperson shall decide upon a show of hands in the first instance but any two members may request a ballot whereupon two (2) persons appointed by the Chairperson shall act as scrutinizers.
13 Control of Funds
All the funds of the Association shall be paid into a savings bank or trading bank nominated by the Association to the credit of the Association and all accounts shall be submitted for the approval of the Association and be paid by withdrawal form from the said savings bank or trading bank accounts such withdrawals to be signed by the elected Committee Member:
President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer or Secretary/Treasurer
14 Financial Year
The financial year of the Association shall commence on the 1st day of October in each year and end on the 30th day of September in the year following.
15 Striking Off
Any Club may by resolution at a General Meeting of the Association be struck off the role in the cases where the club:
16 Dissolution
The Association shall be wound up, if at a Special Meeting of which notice has been given, a majority of those senior members present, in voting, pass a resolution to this effect. If, upon dissolution, there remains, after satisfaction of all debts and liabilities any surplus whatsoever, it shall vest in the Committee to be disposed of in such manner as it sees fit.
General shooting rules
All Association competitions will consist of Senior, Master, Teen and Pre-teen Divisions.
All Association competitions will cater for recurve, compound, longbow, barebow and crossbow bow types.
All Association competition entries will be taken at the first day of competition. If a junior is 12 years or younger on the first day of competition, they shall be entered into the Pre-teen Division. If they are 13 to 19 years old, they will be entered into the Teen Division. If a member is 50 years old or older on the first day of a competition, they may, if desired, enter the competition in the Master Division.
To be eligible for Association awards ECBOPAA members must shoot all rounds sent in within an Association club grounds.
This six-month postal shoot runs in conjunction with the NZ Archery League Postal Shoot, but is an individual shoot, not a team shoot. Individual scores are to be submitted for this shoot. To be shot in a minor tournament situation (club shoot with independent witness is fine).
Scores will be recorded each month on a recording sheet held at each club range where the independent witnesses will record the score. At the end of each month, the recording sheet will be obtained by the club contact, who will then verify the highest scores for each of their club members from the recording sheet.
Clubs may shoot this shoot as many times as desired within the designated month/months of shoot and the highest score from each individual archer participating is to be submitted.
Although this shoot runs over six months, there will only be five results sent in.
The best individual scores should be emailed in by each club delegate on the return form supplied by the 7th day of the following month of shoot. Please indicate bow type and age and date of birth for Masters, Teens and Pre-teens. The Masters, Teens and Pre-teen Divisions are determined by the age on the 1st of October. If a member is 20 on the 1st of October, they shoot as a Senior. If a member is 12 years old or younger on the 1st of October, they may enter as a Pre-teen. If a member is 50 years or older on the 1st of October, they may enter as a Master.
There will be medals for all divisions for an accumulated score over the entire six months. Archers need to shoot a minimum of three months to qualify for awards. In the case of a draw, the persons who drew will be placed as equals.
There are two shoots available to accommodate the very young archers: the Pre-teen age group (as at 1st of October) will shoot the Vera London Fun Shoot, details below.
There is also a Novice Class for Archers who have shot for less than one year. Archers can only shoot in this class once; i.e. if they shoot in it this year, they cannot shoot in it again. Medals will be given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place for each bow type.
Men's compound
Teen men's compound
Women's compound
Teen women's compound
Master men's compound
Master women's compound
Men's recurve Teen men's recurve
Women's recurve Teen women's recurve
Master men's recurve Master women's recurve
Men's crossbow Women's crossbow
Master men's crossbow Master women's crossbow
Men's longbow Women' longbow
Master men's longbow Master women's longbow
Pre-teen men's compound Pre-teen women's compound
Pre-teen men's recurve Pre-teen women's recurve
Men's barebow
Teen men's barebow
Women's barebow
Teen women's barebow
Master men's barebow
Master women's barebow
Pre-teen men's barebow
Pre-teen women's barebow
For Seniors, Masters and Teens or those between the ages of 13 and 19 inclusive (as at 1st of October):
Canadian 900
(ANZ league rules regarding target face size, scoring and distances)
For Pre-teen or those 12 years or younger (as at 1st of October):
Vera London Fun Shoot/Novice Class
Pre-teen or those 12 years old or younger (as at 1st of October 2016) and all Archers who have shot for less than one year.
There will be one aggregate trophy for each division:
The Clout will be shot by Archery New Zealand rules for bow types, age groupings and distances.
Single Clout
A single clout round shall consist of six scoring ends, each of six arrows. Two sighter ends each of six arrows shall be allowed prior to the commencement ofscoring.
Field shoot
The Field shoot will be shot under FITA rules for bow types with seniors and teens shooting from senior pegs. Pre-teens to shoot from the closer pegs.
Unlike the FITA rules, however, during this shoot, archers will shoot twice at each target rather than moving around the course twice.
Senior, Master and Teen distances vary from 60m to 10m.
Pre-teens distances vary from 40m to 5m.
Scoring will be 6 for the inner ring, 5,4,3,2,1
Target event
The Target event for Seniors and Teens to be a Canadian 900. Recurve/longbow/barebow 122cm face, Compound 80cm face and Crossbow 60cm face according to Archery New Zealand League rules.
To win these trophies, you must shoot in all three events at the correct distances and all in the correct bow type (except for crossbow where the clout event is optional)
The juniors will be split into two age divisions as for the winter postal shoot, Teen (under 20) and Pre-teen (under 13).
There will be one aggregate trophy for each division:
The Clout
The Clout will be shot by Archery New Zealand (JAMA) rules for bow types and correct age distances.
Target event for Teens to shoot a Canadian 900: Recurve 122cm face, Compound 80cm face and Crossbow 60cm face (according to Archery New Zealand League rules).
Target event for Pre-teens to shoot the ‘Vera London Fun Shoot’ being 30 arrows shot at 25m, 30 arrows shot at 20m and 30 arrows shot at 15m all on a 122cm face compound scoring the inner 10.
To win these trophies, you must shoot in all three events at the correct distances and all in the correct bow type (except for crossbow where the clout event is optional)
Pre-teen juniors must shoot at Pre-teen distances and Teen juniors must also shoot from Teen distances to qualify for trophies.
Pre-teen juniors must be under 13 years old on the first day of the ECBOPAA Championships. Teen juniors must be under 20 years old on the first day of the ECBOPAA Championships. Masters must be 50 years old or older on the first day of the ECBOPAA Championships.
Any junior who wishes to shoot as a senior must be affiliated to ECBOPAA as a senior paying the senior fee. If any junior affiliates as a senior, this takes away from them all rights during the year to shoot as a junior in ECBOPAA events.
Overall trophy
Champion of Champions.
Trophy to be allotted to the archer with the highest overall score, be they senior, master or junior shooting any bow type recognised by the association.
Maid Marion trophy
The first arrow shot in the first sighting end at correct distances by FITA rules by a woman, be they senior, master or junior shooting any bow type recognised by the association that is the closest to the flag
Robin Hood Trophy
The first arrow shot in the first sighting end at correct distances by FITA rules by a man be they senior, master or junior shooting any bow type recognised by the association that is the closest to the flag
To be shot wet or fine on February the 6th.
Shoot for Seniors, Masters and Juniors 13 to 20 years is a:
Burton Round
Shoot for under 13 years and novice shooters is the:
Vera London Fun Shoot
Men's recurve
Women's recurve
Master men's recurve
Master women's recurve
Teen men's recurve
Teen women's recurve
Pre-teen men's recurve
Pre-teen women's recurve
Men's compound
Women's compound
Master men's compound
Master women's compound
Teen men's compound Teen women's compound
Pre-teen men's compound
Pre-teen women's compound
Men's crossbow Women's crossbow
Master men's crossbow Master women's crossbow
Men's longbow Women's longbow
Master men's longbow Master women's longbow
Men's barebow
Women's barebow
Master men's barebow
Master women's barebow
Teen men's barebow
Teen women's barebow
Pre-teen men's barebow
Pre-teen women's barebow
Three archers per team pre-named before the commencement of shoot (any discipline) competing for Rosebowl and Hiccup cups. In the case of a draw, there will be a count-back starting with hits, followed by 9’s and thereafter.
Teams eligible for trophies must consist of three members from the same club shooting at 37m on the correct target face (90 arrows at 37m – 5-zone scoring).
Social 14m & 25m Lines
All disciplines:
ECBOPAA Winter Postal
The winter shoot is based on an accumulated score over the entire five months. Each month, the previous month's score will be added together for a RUNNING TOTAL. In the case of a draw, the persons who drew will be placed as equals.
Youth are asked to shoot from their correct distance according to Archery NZ JAMA rulings, but to either enter the Teen or Pre-teen divisions (instead of kiwi, cub, intermediate, cadet and junior etc).
This shoot is based on the JAMA programme. All shoots are 60-arrow shoots and not shortened 36-arrow shoots as for JAMA.
Archers may shoot the shoot for the month as many times as wished during the month, recording the best score for the month. This is the score to be submitted by your club's recording officer before the 7th of the following month.
To be shot in a minor tournament situation (club shoot with independent witness is fine).
Scores will be recorded each month on a recording sheet held at each club range where the independent witnesses will record the score. At the end of each month, the recording sheet will be obtained by the club contact, who will then verify the highest scores for each of their club members from the recording sheet.
Programme (Subject to change to follow JAMA postal winter program)
May: Portsmouth 1(compound scoring large 10)
June: Shortened Chicago
July: Portsmouth 2
August: Shortened Chicago
September: Portsmouth 1 (compound scoring inner 10 only)
Men's recurve
Women's recurve
Master men's recurve
Master women's recurve
Teen men's recurve
Teen women's recurve
Pre-teen men's recurve
Pre-teen women's recurve
Men's compound
Women's compound
Master men's compound
Master women's compound
Teen men's compound
Teen women's compound
Pre-teen men's compound
Pre-teen women's compound
Men's crossbow Women's crossbow
Master men's crossbow Master women's crossbow
Men's longbow Women's longbow
Master men's longbow Master women's longbow
Men's barebow
Women's barebow
Master men's barebow
Master women's barebow
Teen men's barebow
Teen women's barebow
Pre-teen men's barebow
Pre-teen women's barebow
All archers have a choice of shooting multi- or single-target face.
Men's recurve
Women's recurve
Master men's recurve
Master women's recurve
Teen men's recurve
Teen women's recurve
Pre-teen men's recurve
Pre-teen women's recurve
Men's compound
Women's compound
Master men's compound
Master women's compound
Teen men's compound
Teen women's compound
Pre-teen men's compound
Pre-teen women's compound
Men's crossbow Women's crossbow
Master men's crossbow Master women's crossbow
Men's longbow Women's longbow
Master men's longbow Master women's longbow
Men's barebow
Women's barebow
Master men's barebow
Master women's barebow
Teen men's barebow
Teen women's barebow
Pre-teen men's barebow
Pre-teen women's barebow
In the case of a draw, there will be a count-back starting with hits, followed by X’s and thereafter.
Dated at Whakatane this 21st day of October 2016