This six-month postal shoot runs in conjunction with the NZ Archery League Postal Shoot, but is an individual shoot, not a team shoot. Individual scores are to be submitted for this shoot. To be shot in a minor tournament situation (club shoot with independent witness is fine).
Criteria for ECBOPAA archers is that all rounds must be shot within any ECBOPAA club grounds. Non-ECBOPAA archers may shoot at any archery club grounds.
Clubs may shoot as many times as desired within the designated month/s of the shoot and the highest score from each individual archer participating is to be submitted as per below.
Scores will be recorded each day of shooting on a recording sheet (available from the Shoot Co-ordinator) held at each club range where the independent witness/es will record the score. At the end of each month, the recording sheet will be obtained by the club contact, who will then verify the highest scores for each of their archers from the recording sheet.
Although this shoot runs over six months, there will only be five results submitted:
The best individual scores are to be emailed to the Shoot Co-ordinator (see below for details) by each club contact on the return form supplied. These are to be submitted by the 7th day of the following month of the shoot. Any scores submitted after this date may be accepted at the discretion of the Shoot Co-ordinator.
Please indicate bow type, age, and date of birth for Masters, Teens and Pre-teens. The Masters, Teens and Pre-teens divisions are determined by the age on the 1st of October. If an archer is 20 years old or older on the 1st of October, they shoot as a senior. If an archer is 12 years old or younger on the 1st of October, they may enter as a Pre-teen. If an archer is 50 years old or older on the 1st of October, they may enter as a Master.
There will be medals for all divisions for an accumulated score over the entire six months. Archers need to shoot a minimum of three months to qualify for medals. All ECBOPAA archers must be ECBOPAA affiliated members to claim medals.
THE SHOOTS (Full Details Below)
There are two shoots available to accommodate the very young archers: the Pre-teen age group (age as at 1st of October) will shoot the Vera London Fun Shoot (details below) and everyone else (who have been shooting for one year or more) will shoot the Canadian 900.
Novice Class
There is a Novice Class for archers who have been shooting for less than one year. This is classed as a Vera London Novice Fun Shoot. Archers can only shoot in this class once; i.e. if they shoot in it this year, they cannot shoot in it again. Medals will be given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place for each bow type.
The cost of this shoot is $10.00 per entry and is required to be paid with the first set of results in November. There is no need to pre-register for this shoot; archers will be entered once the first month’s scores have been received.
Scores to be submitted to:
Moira Lavender-Ashburn
Shoot Co-ordinator
All fees are to be paid directly into the ECBOPAA cheque account.
Bank account details:
Eastern Central Bay of Plenty Archery Association
ANZ, Whakatane, Account No. 01 0486 0101484 00 (please email to the above email address with details and date of transaction).
Women’s compound Teen women’s compound
Pre-teen men’s compound Pre-teen women’s compound
Master men’s compound Master women’s compound
Men’s recurve Teen men’s recurve
Women’s recurve Teen women’s recurve
Pre-teen men’s recurve Pre-teen women’s recurve
Master men’s recurve Master women’s recurve
Men’s crossbow Women’s crossbow
Master men’s crossbow Master women’s crossbow
Master men’s longbow Master women’s longbow
Men’s barebow Master men’s barebow
Teen men’s barebow Teen women’s barebow
Pre-teen men’s barebow Pre-teen women’s barebow
Canadian 900
Seniors, Masters and Teens, or those between the ages of 13 and 19 inclusive (as at 1st of October):
10-zone scoring (all bow types large 10)
30 arrows shot at each of the three distances with the target faces and distances as in the table below:
Bow Type Face Distance 1 Distance 2 Distance 3
Crossbow 60cm 55m 45m 35m
Compound 80cm 55m 45m 35m
Recurve 122cm 55m 45m 35m
Recurve 65+ 122cm 45m 35m 25m
Barebow 122cm 45m 35m 25m
Barebow 65+ 122cm 35m 30m 25m
Longbow 122cm 35m 30m 25m
Up to and including the year of their 15th birthday
U16 Crossbow 60cm 45m 35m 25m
U16 Compound 80cm 45m 35m 25m
U16 Recurve 122cm 45m 35m 25m
U16 Barebow 122cm 35m 30m 25m
U16 Longbow 122cm 25m 20m 15m
Pre-teen or those 12 years old or younger (as at 1st of October) and all archers who have been shooting for less than one year.
30 arrows at 25m, 20m and 15m
10-zone scoring (inner 10 applies for compound)