There will be one aggregate trophy for each division:
1. Men's recurve
2. Women's recurve
3. Master Men's recurve
4. Master women's recurve
5. Men's compound
6. Women's compound
7. Master men's compound
8. Master women's compound
9. Men's crossbow
10. Women's crossbow
11. Master men's crossbow
12. Master women's crossbow
13. Men's longbow
14. Women's longbow
15. Master men's longbow
16. Master women's longbow
17. Men's barebow
18. Women's barebow
19. Master men's barebow
20. Master women's barebow
The Clout will be shot by Archery New Zealand rules for bow types, age groupings and distances.
Clout Event (Single Clout)
A single clout round shall consist of six scoring ends, each of six arrows. Two sighter ends, each of six arrows, shall be allowed prior to the commencement of
Field Event
The field shoot will be shot under FITA rules for bow types, with seniors and teens shooting from senior pegs. Pre-teens to shoot from the closer pegs.
Unlike the FITA rules, however, during this shoot archers will shoot twice at each target rather than moving around the course twice.
Senior, master and teen distances vary from 60m to 10m.
Pre-teen's distances vary from 40m to 5m.
Scoring will be 6 for the inner ring, 5,4,3,2,1.
Target Event
The target event for seniors and teens to be a Canadian 900.
Recurve/Barebow/Longbow: 122cm face
Compound: 80cm face
Crossbow: 60cm face
According to Archery New Zealand League rules.
30 arrows at 55m
30 arrows at 45m
30 arrows at 35m
To win these trophies, you must shoot in all three events at the correct distances and all in the correct bow type (except for crossbow where the clout event is optional).
The juniors will be split into two age divisions as for the winter postal shoot: teen (under 20) and pre-teen (under 13).
There will be one aggregate trophy for each division:
21. Teen men's recurve
22. Teen women's recurve
23. Pre-teen men's recurve
24. Pre-teen women's recurve
25. Teen men's compound
26. Teen women's compound
27. Pre-teen men's compound
28. Pre-teen women's compound
29. Teen men's barebow
30. Teen women's barebow
31. Pre-teen men's barebow
32. Pre-teen women's barebow
Clout Event
The clout will be shot by Archery New Zealand (JAMA) rules for bow types and correct age distances.
Target Event
Target event for teens to shoot a Canadian 900.
Recurve/Longbow/Barebow: 122cm face
Compound: 80cm
Crossbow: 60cm face
According to Archery New Zealand League rules.
30 arrows at 55m
30 arrows at 45m
30 arrows at 35m
Target event for pre-teens to shoot the ‘Vera London Fun Shoot’, being 30 arrows shot at 25m, 30 arrows shot at 20m and 30 arrows shot at 15m all on a 122cm face, compound scoring the inner 10.
To win these trophies, you must shoot in all three events at the correct distances and all in the correct bow type (except for crossbow where the clout event is optional).
Pre-teen juniors must shoot at pre-teen distances and teen juniors must also shoot from teen distances to qualify for trophies.
Pre-teen juniors must be under 13 years old on the first day of the ECBOPAA Championships.
Teen juniors must be under 20 years old on the first day of the ECBOPAA Championships.
Masters must be 50 years old or older on the first day of the ECBOPAA Championships.
Any junior who wishes to shoot as a senior must be affiliated to ECBOPAA as a senior, paying the senior fee. If any junior affiliates as a senior, this takes away from them all rights during the year to shoot as a junior in ECBOPAA events.
Overall Trophy - Champion of Champions Trophy
25. Trophy to be allotted to the archer with highest overall score be they senior, master or junior shooting any bow type recognised by the association.
Maid Marion Trophy
26. The first arrow shot in the first sighting end at correct distances by FITA rules by a woman be they senior, master or junior shooting any bow type recognised by the association that is the closest to the flag.
Robin Hood Trophy
27. The first arrow shot in the first sighting end at correct distances by FITA rules by a man be they senior, master or junior shooting any bow type recognised by the association that is the closest to the flag.
If an archer is unable to shoot from the correct distances, they may shoot at closer distances, but will automatically be out of the running for the trophy in their division.