We encourage our children to participate in ribbon days held throughout the season.  These give children the opportunity to compete against and get to know children from other clubs. All children win at least one ribbon during the day.  For those who are more serious, competing is the best form of training.  This would also help monitor your improvements during the season.

To be eligible to participate in these, your child has to be registered.   Club uniform is compulsory and age flashes must be sewn onto the top.

The age grades children participate in are determined by the age of the athlete on the 31st December.  Events are provided for all ages with the 6 and under doing 2-3 sprints and one shuttle relay and are normally held in the morning only.  For 7’s and up, they have a full program of events to choose from.  The length of day is determined by the number of athletes attending and can be anywhere from 2pm onwards. It is at the discretion of each club how they run their Ribbon Day, so each day could be quite different.

We endeavour to have our club tent at these ribbons days and this will be our base.  We are also required to provide numbers attending so please on arrival please make your way there to record the names of your children competing.

There is no charge to compete, however programmes may be purchased at a minimal charge which generally helps towards the club cost of ribbons.Unless otherwise advised, ribbon days normally start at 10am sharp. 

Please try and be there by 9:30am to get organised and warmed up for the first events.