What's on in July & August?

  • D'Urville Island / French Pass trip (own boats) - July
  • FFC Brass Monkey (Lake Coleridge) - was traditionally held in July/August, but from 2022 this is held in April.

Check our calendar for the latest dates.

French Pass Trip

Although the specific details can vary from year to year, here's a broad overview of an annual trip we added to the calendar in 2016.

This trip is set for June or July (Some club members go for over a week, others might only head up for a few days).

Club members take their own boats to French Pass and spend some time targeting Kingfish along with Snapper, Terakihi, Blue Cod.

Some sleep on board their own boats, others opt for the accommodation organised (in 2016 at Okiwi Bay but since 2017 accommodation has been booked at French Pass, you need to get your name in the Trip Book early or contact the organiser to let them know you're interested in accommodation - there are only limited spots available each year).