What's on in September & October?

  • Moeraki - October
  • Lake Brunner Trip - Labour Weekend

Check the calendar for the latest dates

Moeraki – October

Although the specific details can vary from year to year, here is a broad overview of this annual FFC club trip.

Club members take their own boats for this weekend trip to Moeraki. This has now become a competition with a range of prizes on offer. Non-members are able to attend but must pay an entry free, members are free.

Fishing usually on the Saturday but, as with all competitions, that depends a lot on the weather so keep in touch with the organiser.

Weigh in is normally at the end of the day (between 4-5pm) and all fish are weighed in whole. We hold the prizegiving in the evening at the Hampden Tavern. Many will also have a meal there.

Prizes for a range of categories. For 2020 this included - Blue cod, Sea Perch, Groper, Trumpeter, Tarakihi, Gurnard and a combined bag weight. Also a number of lucky draws.

Lake Brunner Fishing Trip – October (Labour Weekend)

Note | This trip has NOT been held as a formal club-organised trip since 2016, although members are welcome to make the trip to the coast and experience a great weekend away for themselves.

Although the specific details can vary from year to year, here is a broad overview of this annual FFC club trip.

The Lake Brunner Trip is held each year over Labour Weekend. Ferrymead Fishing Club has been running this trip for many years and it has become a firm favourite with members and is a great family trip.

The club generally books accommodation at the Lake Brunner Country Motels – they have a range of accommodation options to suit with self-contained cottages and a cabin lodge (which has shared kitchen and bathroom facilities). This is a fantastic venue with lots on offer for the kids too.

Members usually travel to Lake Brunner on the Friday night. We run a rather informal fishing competition over the Saturday and Sunday with weigh-ins at the end of each day. On the Sunday, after the final weigh in, we have the prize giving followed by a shared BBQ meal for those who’d like to throw something on the BBQ.

Some years groups have been known to take some time out from fishing and explore the beautiful west coast.

This is a pretty low-key competition with just a few trophies on offer – this is more about spending some good time away in a beautiful part of the country.