What's on in May & June?

  • Alf Palmer Memorial Fishing Competition - Queens Birthday

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Alf Palmer Memorial Fishing Competition - Queens Birthday

Although the specific details can vary from year to year, here is a broad overview of this interclub competition regularly attended by a number of Ferrymead Fishing Club members.

The Alf Palmer Memorial Fishing Competition is held each year over Queens Birthday weekend. The competition is often also referred to as the Brass Monkey. FFC members were invited to join this interclub competition around 1999. It is hosted by the Canterbury Anglers Club and attended by several local clubs.

FFC members generally book their own accommodation although the organiser may also set up a group booking. Competitors travel to Otematata on the Friday and the fishing competition itself runs over two days with fishing both on the Saturday and Sunday – and a weigh in held early each evening. The prizegiving is held on the Sunday night, usually accompanied by a dinner or supper.

While competitors can fish several of the local lakes (including Benmore, Aviemore) FFC members most often fish in Benmore – launching at Sailors Cutting – and fishing either the Ahuriri or Haldon Arm of the lake. Frequently club members meet back at Sailors Cutting for lunch and a chance for a midday catch up.

There are some interclub trophies that all competitors can fish for (e.g. Condition factor, ‘DD’ Ladies trophy and the Betty Hill four-way trophy (which goes to the club with the heaviest fish overall). There are also some FFC trophies that only our club members can compete for (including the Waitaki Trophy (Senior), the Junior Waitaki Trophy and the Top Boat flag).
