Other sport

Many sports do not fit into a season and may be played all year round or across summer and winter seasons.  We hold high expectations for players at school and on the field. Our values are teamwork, commitment, respect, leadership and having fun. 

We can not offer sport without the support of our school community and highly appreciate everyone who gives up their time to coach, manage, transport and support our atheletes from the sideline.

As you can imagine the cost involved in sport is huge!  Especially transport, as most of our teams must travel out of town to compete.   We do apply for funding to help cover costs, teams do an enourmous amount of fundraising for tournaments and we are lucky to have some generous sponsorship from local businesses each year.   We welcome new sponsors or generous donations anytime, just get in touch with the school if you are interested in finacially supporting our sports programmes. 

To keep up to date with sports news follow our Ōpōtiki College Sport Facebook Page

Mountain biking

Mountain biking is currently of the fastest growing secondary school sports.  It is popular due to it being an individual sport with one off events.

Adventure racing

Adventure Racing is also one of the fastest growing secondary school sports.  It challenges individuals and teams physically and mentally across multiple disciplines.