Roslyn, a separate borough of Greater Dunedin since 1877, was a growing suburb. In 1882 William Wilson, Charles Fountain and Thomas Callender were actively involved in forming a bowling club in the area, as they considered the Dunedin club to be too far away from their homes.
The Roslyn Bowling Club, the third club to be established in Dunedin, was established in 1883 with 60 members paying a subscription of one guinea ($2.10) per year.
The green was located in High St (now Highgate) nearly opposite Frederick St (now Sheen St) It had four rinks and cost 160 pounds ($320). As the number of bowlers increased a new venue was sought.
From the ODT Files
The Roslyn Ladies Club was formed in 1921 with 23 members. It remained a separate club until the amalgamation with the Men's Club in 1997.