A Domestic Competition here in Waiuku!!  For players aged 5-8 years old.  

T-ball is a great way for our U8s to learn ball skills and run around with their friends. T-ball is non-competition (not scored), and the game is learned 'on-the-go' with a strong focus on fun.  Waiuku Softball will run an 8 week programme starting Friday 1st November at 5.30pm and finishing up on Friday 13th December with a small prizegiving.  

Our Junior Softball Fields this year will be at Waiuku College -  the session is approx 1 hour including a group warm up, skills session and a friendly game.  There will be no trainings or set coaches for this age group, instead we recruit awesome parent helpers to run their teams on the night.  

We run a Sausage Sizzle Fundraiser on Friday nights, $2 for one sausage (with bread and sauce) and we sell concession cards ($10 for 5 sausages) so you can buy a card that sets up up for a few games.  

Fees are just $20 which includes a cap for your child to keep and wear proudly around town! 



Waiuku Softball Small Sox Tball is an introduction to Diamond sports for children aged 4-8.  It’s meant to be fun, chaotic, exciting and unpredictable. We want kids to stay engaged and learn some good hand-eye coordination skills through playing games.  

Safety is paramount at this age, so bats will be kept out of small hands unless the child is actually batting.  When games are on, the batting team needs to stay on the designated mat until their turn.  Parent Coaches are to make sure the fielders are ready and watching for when the ball gets hit.

Gloves aren't absolutely essential -we will have a stash of gloves for the kids to use if they want to - It's good that the small kids learn to use both hands to catch first anyway. 

If buying a glove to keep -  purchase for the opposite hand that your child throws with i.e. if your kid throws with their right hand then the glove should be for their left hand. 

Please make sure your glove is clearly marked with your child’s name as these are often left behind or players have the same glove and they get mixed up.

Softball and T-Ball are not safe sports to play in the rain, please follow our Facebook page for cancellation notices if the weather looks dodgy.