Our Mission
Our Mission is to help grow the sport of Softball in the Franklin area, and to provide a Softball community for all ages within the Waiuku community.
Club History
Waiuku Softball Club Inc was established in August 2021 after a successful season of 2 rookie teams from a group of friends playing in the Pukekohe domestic competition.
The Club now consists of an Executive Committee of 11 with a membership base more than 300 players in just our 3rd season.
Club Programmes
In our inaugural season, we entered 3 Mens, 3 Womens and 5 Junior teams into the Franklin Domestic competition. Two of our Junior Boys trialed and represented Auckland in the 2021 Rookie Sox Competition in Manawatu.\
By Season 2, we had 4 Mens, 6 Womens, 3 U13s, 4 U11s and 6 T-ball teams! One of our Mens teams (Chaos) won the Plate Final, and our U11 Bandits won the U11 Franklin Championship going through the season undefeated. 14 of our U13 players travelled to Hamilton for the Rookie Sox Tournament representing Franklin.
There are 8 primary schools, and 1 high school in the area that we will be aiming to get involved in development programmes in upcoming seasons.
We are known as a family orientated club. Our focus is to look out for our juniors and nurture them onto bigger and better things or see them succeed in whatever path in life they wish to take.
The Future
It was our vision to provide the community of Waiuku with a Softball diamond. This vision has
come true. We have been fortunate enough to merge with Waiuku Rugby Club and have the use
of Waiuku Sports Park grounds during the summer season, as well as a special friendship with Tuwhera and Hamilton Estate for our T-Ball kids.
We now have our own Franklin competition for our Juniors, and can provide a local
training facility so our families do not have to travel in order to train on a softball diamond.
Our Values
Whanaungatanga – Our friendships and relationships make us stronger together, through
connections with each other we create an environment that’s inclusive and welcoming.
Manakitanga – We serve our community by recognising the values of each person and respecting
their mana.
Kaitakitanga – We are responsible for protecting both the physical environment we use to train
and exercise, and the health and wellbeing of our people through sports and recreation.