Code of Conduct
The actions of players are a reflection of themselves, their team, the Waiuku Softball Club and their community. A player’s involvement in softball provides opportunities and experiences that are important to the development of a well-rounded individual; however, players must remember that their participation in softball and functions of the Waiuku Softball Club is a privilege, not a right. In addition to our Code of Conduct, we also abide by Softball New Zealand Code of Conduct.
Players shall:
1. Treat everyone with respect
Treat teammates, coaches, opponents, event organisers and spectators with respect.
Respect and accept with dignity the decisions of officials.
Be generous in winning and gracious in losing.
2. Exercise self-control at all times
Refrain from unsportsmanlike gestures, talk, language, or profanity. Taunting or teasing players on the opposing team is not acceptable.
Refrain from throwing equipment in anger (bat, helmet, glove, or any object).
Refrain from inappropriate use of social media.
Refrain from the use of physical force outside of the rules of the game. Violence, intimidation or aggression will not be tolerated.
Refrain from drinking alcohol to excess or unlawfully (see alcohol guidelines below).
Follow the guidelines set forth by your coach for your team and program.
Follow the guidelines set forth by the Waiuku Softball Club for players and teams in the Franklin Softball Association Competition.
3. Play fair
Parents/Supporters shall:
Remember that players participate in sports for their enjoyment and benefit, not yours.
Applaud good performance and efforts from all individuals and teams. Congratulate all participants on their performance regardless of the game’s outcome.
Respect the decision of officials and encourage others to do the same.
Never ridicule or scold a player for making a mistake. Positive comments are motivational.
Refrain from inappropriate use of social media.
Condemn the use of violence in any form.
Show respect for your team's opponents. Without them there would be no game.
Encourage players to follow the rules and the official’s decisions.
Do not use foul language, sledge or harass players, coaches or officials.
Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
COACH - A Coach will:
Be a role model so as to inspire confidence
Be reasonable in their demands on players
Enhance and encourage the skill and performance of their team
Praise and encourage good performance
Be respectful of their team and oppositions ability as players
Be firm and fair
Encourage adherence to this Code
MANAGER - A Manager will:
Be a role model as to inspire confidence
Be responsible for the sound management and well being for the good of their team
Ensure all players wear the correct uniform on the Diamond at all times
Encourage positive support on and off the field for all players, coaches, managers, scorers, officials and supporters.
Encourage and promote participation of your team and families in club fundraising events.
Encourage adherence to this Code
Waiuku Softball Club Smoking/Vaping and Alcohol Policy (Over 18 yoa - players and spectators)
Smoking/Vaping and Alcohol is strictly forbidden at the Waiuku Junior (Hamilton Estate) fields.
Smoking/Vaping at the Senior Softball Club (Waiuku Sports Park) is preferably done out of any club uniforms, or at least discreetly and at a respectable distance from non-smokers. You must discard of any rubbish/butts appropriately.
Alcohol is to be purchased at the Clubrooms and consumed within the vicinity as dictated by Waiuku Rugby Club (or Pukekohe Softball Club or any other club if teams travel).
Alcohol is not to be consumed on the diamond or in the dugout during a game.
Alcohol or smoking products are NEVER to be supplied to minors.
It is encouraged that patrons make use of the clubs courtesy van to get home safely.
Consuming alcohol outside of the Clubrooms (at any establishment anywhere else) must be done out of uniform.
Any form of sexual harrassment will not be tolerated, the member will receive a lifetime ban.
Look after your mates. If you see something concerning or someone behaving irresponsibly, please report it to a Committee member straight away and let us keep each other safe.