From just two senior teams that entered into the Pukekohe Competition in 2020 (30 players), we had a massive 11 teams in our Inaugural season with an intake of over 140. More than doubling that with 298 registered last season (2022-2023) we really don't know what to expect for 2023-2024!  

As a new sports club, we do things a little differently to others.  We want to make this sport accessible to everyone, especially our tamariki and rangatahi.  Our goal is to knock down known barriers and obstacles, in order to provide an inclusive environment where every single youth in Waiuku and surrounding areas can come and enjoy a Summer sport.  

For some kids, finding this sport could be a pathway to a representative level future in diamond sports.  For the majority of others, it’ll be a fun and exciting way to spend their Saturdays with their whanau and friends. We also recognise that for a very few, this could be an escape for them and possibly help by giving them a purpose and reason to stay away from poor decisions as they grow into teenagers.  

On that basis, our fees are structured extremely low.  For a full season of tball, the cost per child is just $30. This doesn’t even cover the caps we want to supply, let alone the Uniform shirts, pants, gloves, balls, bats, tees and training equipment!  Our Rookies (under 11) fees are just $60, for under 13s, just $80, U15s will pay just $100 and Senior fees are $130.

Applying for grants is underway, and we will also rely on the generosity and goodwill of local business owners like yourselves to help us achieve our goals.  We have been fortunate to secure some space at Waiuku Rugby Park to put up some senior Softball diamonds, and space at Hamilton Estate for our junior diamonds.  

We would like to offer you an opportunity to invest in our club for the current season, 1st October 2023 – 30 September 2024 and some options and packages are outlined below. 

Community Sponsor:  $250 

  • A2 sign at our Junior Diamonds  

Silver Sponsor:  $500

  • A2 sign on both Junior and Senior Softball Diamonds

Silver Sponsor:  $500

  • A2 sign on both Junior and Senior Softball Diamonds 

Gold Sponsor:  $1,000 

  • A1 sign on both Junior and Senior Softball Diamonds

  • 2 complimentary tickets to our end of season Senior Prizegiving

Diamond Sponsor: $2,500 

  • A1 sign on both Junior and Senior Softball Fields

  • Logo printed on one teams photo ‘proudly sponsored by’ 

  • 2 complimentary tickets to our end of season Senior Prizegiving

Platinum Sponsor:  $5,000

  • A1 sign on the back fence of one Senior softball diamonds, and one Junior diamond (behind the catcher)

  • Naming rights for one team

  • Logo printed on one teams photo ‘proudly sponsored by’ 

  • 2 complimentary tickets to our end of season Senior Prizegiving

*All sponsors will be listed with logo and links on our website, and mentioned in our newsletters.

All sponsors also receive a photo at the end of the season of one of our teams holding your signs up and we do a lot of Social Media shout outs-throughout the season also. 

For anonymous donations, item donations (ie; gear bags) or other options, please contact me directly to discuss.  

Should you have any queries please contact: 

Jodie Lamb - 021 368020 OR

Rebecca Van Dijken – 021 0344650

Or email us