Our Goals
- For everyone to enjoy being a part of WC Rowing – Athletes, Coaches, Parents
- Athletes want to come back and row the next season
- To develop a positive and supportive culture that we can be proud of
- To support all athletes to be the best they can be – on the water and off the water
- On-water performance at all levels - making finals across all age groups at NISSC and Maadi
Our Values
- Wellington College’s values are Wellington College Rowing Club's values.
- We subscribe to the COLL Values (Community; Oranga; Leadership; Learning Together). During the 2018/19 season as a rowing community we considered what the COLL values look like in a rowing context.
This is summarised below:
- Understand that you’re representing Wellington College at all times. Look after WC’s reputation (in the rowing community, online, etc)
- We are one squad, not 50 individuals. Think as a team and what is best for WC Rowing
- Respect ourselves and those around us (WC Rowing members, Star BC members, members of the public)
- Support each other. Celebrate the successes of WC Rowing and support those who are feeling down
- Look after the equipment we use
- Provide athletes with improvements and clear instructions
- Give every rower and coxswain a chance
- Be a part of the WC Rowing culture
- Respect the coaches’ decisions and plans
- Know that rowers and coxswains are working hard
- Take care of yourselves (eat well/eat the right food; drink plenty of water at all times; get enough sleep)
- Manage your time and other commitments and make the most of your rest days
- Respect others and yourselves. Make sure coaches and parents enjoy the WC Rowing experience
- Understand athletes limitations and remember they have commitments outside of rowing
- Respect each other and the athletes
- Respect the athletes and coaches, not just from WC Rowing but from other schools too
- Assist athletes in what they’re doing by providing the right environment for them to succeed
- Try and assist the club when possible
Learning Together
- Cooperate with and encourage each other. Work together to make boats go faster
- Push yourselves in training, follow and respect the training programme
- Listen to coaches and elders. Ask questions if you’re not sure
- Be organised and plan to get the most out of training sessions (e.g. be at training on time)
- Help to make the athletes be better athletes by providing constructive criticism and being honest
- Allow for two-way communication between athletes and coaches
- Understand that all the athletes are a bit different
- Take an interest in the sport and try to understand how to best to assist the athletes
- Try to find out how best to assist WC Rowing and do so if possible
- Be proactive and helpful: make a positive contribution to the club (at trainings, boat loadings, camps, regattas)
- Leave things better than you found them (Star BC, accommodation we stay at, etc)
- Lead by example (older boys in particular) and speak up if there are issues. Don’t accept behaviour that goes against our values
- Be understanding and supportive of all rowers and coxswains, understand that people make mistakes and that we are all still learning
- Set an example for the athletes to follow
- Set reasonable expectations of athletes
- Allow athletes to lead when practical
- Encourage self leadership by letting athletes and coaches do their own thing and not spoon-feeding athletes
- Be behind the scenes leaders