Membership Details
Thanks for deciding to join or renew your membership with Wairarapa Track and Field.
Family Discounts (For 14 years of age and younger)
- After registering your first child, each additional family member that joins the club will recieve a $25 discount on their membership fees.
- Family discount membership fees can be paid online.
NB: On the membership page please register the first child under the section FIRST CHILD and the second or more children under SECOND CHILD OR MORE.
The basics of Membership
- Your age is determined on the 31st December of each year.
- Membership fees need to be paid in advance before you can participate in club activities
- All memberships are made online using the above link.
Membership Scenarios
- If you are turning 14 this year then you are a WT&F Member 7 - 14 years of age.
- If you are currently 14 and turn 15 later in the year, then you are a WT&F Member 15 - 19 years of age.
- If you are currently 19 and turn 20 later in the year, then you are a WT&F Member 20 years and over.
- Also if you just want to join for the winter, you can do so through the portal. There is options to join for the whole year.
Membership Categories and Fees 1 April 2023 - 31 March 2024
The following memberships and fees are available through Wairarapa Track and Field and are for the first family member only. Each additional family member
Volunteer (Free of Charge)
- Volunteers are defined as people that give their time freely to the Club but don’t take part in the Club Nights and Club Runs as a participant.
Competitive Member 7 to 14 years (Winter or Summer = $98.00, All Year = $117.00)
- Members born between 2009-2016 that are participating in Club Nights and/or Club Runs and other Competitive activities.
Competitive Member 15 to 19 years (Winter or Summer = $91.00, All Year = $133.00)
- People born between 2004 & 2008 that participate in any activities the Club and Centre may offer that are generally considered of a competitive nature. This could include Inter-Club Events, Centre Championships, etc.
Competitive Member 20 years and over (Winter or Summer = $137.00, All Year = $161.00)
- People born in 2003 or earlier that participate in any activities the Club and Centre may offer that are generally considered of a competitive nature. This could include Inter-Club Events, Centre Championships, etc.